Thursday, January 27, 2022


 I am truly disgusted with the people who are a part of the daily life I happen to inhabit. What is going on? I expect to have issues being an average citizen, but when wealthy, prominent people are attacked and held against their will; then where is the hope?

My humble observation is: why the hell do they lower their surroundings to low class people and those of dodgy psychology? But, even then, why stay there once they are known? Also, certain places of employment have had super bad reputations long ago, so they should be avoided. Someone with a stellar background and education should not lower themselves to a shady place and figure they will redeem it, no, they just get sucked into the vortex and become either a part of it, or a victim. 

You are a victim, like me. 

They are showing you NO RESPECT! I am baffled about how you are being held captive and why not try every second to escape!? Sounds like classic Stockholm Syndrome. You seemed to bite the hand trying to free you, authorities have become unresponsive. WTF is going on? The "powers that be" are on the side of criminals, so my question is: Why not leave? You need to want to go, or maybe she is paying more attention to you than ever and it is sadly desired after she has been so cruel. I just hope you leave before you are given a stroke. I cannot be the cat toy again, being batted around and ending up the victim (again). You need to figure out what you want and make sure you can live with it, but not if psychological intervention (NOT MP!) isn't also implemented!(But, she has the mind of a murderer!) Your entire immediate family needs therapy! She needs to want help. you too! PLEASE! 

I am here for you, but please at least tell the police, the court and K that the accusations against me are FALSE! 

I will help you in any way I can! Do not abuse that offer, or the love that drives it.

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