Monday, January 24, 2022


 Please be nice to me; I have been through Hell too; only I would not sit around waiting to be killed.

Sorry if that sounds lacking in compassion, but being compassionate is my life, but after awhile, if it gets you nowhere, change direction, for survival sake.

Fight fire w/fire, or get burned. Have you not been hurt enough?

I wake up thinking of you and all during the day and as I fall asleep; it is you. I am not sure if it is love, or devotion; I guess both. I used to ask for help from "B", but thought I'd leave her alone now to relax in peace, but I need help; what can I do? Putting heads together cannot hurt, unless seriousness is not taken. I feel I cannot just watch a loved one commit self- annihilation.

Synonyms & Antonyms for annihilation


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