Monday, January 31, 2022


 I put in a bid for a signed GS book. It makes me feel "back" in a way.

The cover picture looks so happy. We both need happy back again. I want to help make your life happy again. I hope you trust me. I am in a bit of a mess, but I tell myself, " messes can be fixed and cleaned up." Clutter is not comfortable, or desirable, but it happens.


  1. You deserve beauty and kindness! And LOTS of LOVE!

  2. I hate that I have to be in public not looking/feeling so good!
    You look MARVELOUS all of the time! (Unless a jerk hurts you!)

  3. If I got a meeting together with everyone who is keeping you restricted, would that be acceptable with you? I mean, I am looking into MFICs helping with it, because they have gravitas. Is there ANY reason that it is being done as an agreement, or something? Would you back me? I want you to have your rights! Knocking me down is tantamount to shooting yourself in the foot. Hugs

  4. I had a rough time in the hospital.I so much wish you could have been there. I want to hold you and stay there. I just grow more fond of you all of the time.

  5. Thank you for making me feel so happy!!!!!

  6. BTW, I DID get the book! It is YOURS!
    With LOVE!

  7. You KNOW she is going to be arrested someday soon and server a LOT of time for her wicked/evil ways! Keep good track of EVERYTHING SHE HAS DONE! I WILL TOO! She's a goner!

  8. It will be nice to give you the things I bought for you while apart. It was so pathetic how I brought things with me at times, in the hope of being able to see you. They went sadly back with me.

  9. I have no idea how many times a heart can break, but mine is decimated.Love is happy to find a lasting home.
    You are my only romantic love.
