Monday, January 31, 2022


 I hope your day has been going along well. 

I slept as if in a coma. It was weird. I found some small things to get for close people for valentine;s day, so had them sent out. I saw such a gtrat price on cozy, colorful socks; I could not resist. Nothing like warm feet to make one feel loved.....  :-) 

I also got a few Bordeaux hearts from See's, since they are the most delightful and reasonably priced. I have had such a miserable life; I wanted to show my gratitude at coming through it without being completely being beaten down. Just small things, but they are symbolic, I guess.

Can't let the bastards steal all of life away; must carry on!

Sending love to you is all I can do right now. Merely a gesture, but sincere. Stay upbeat; things will get better. Love is persistent. 

You bless me. I love you.

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