Sunday, January 23, 2022

New from old

I am having trouble making new posts, so I am just going to add on to old right now. I am still having trouble with the dizziness problem, so since I read that MS is helped by getting more sleep, that is what I did most of the day. I also did not eat all day, so I will make something to eat now.

I hope you are doing well. I just felt a deep ache when I wrote that. I hate missing you and not knowing. This has been so damn unfair. It is something even a stranger is usually allowed to casually ask. Law has been abused, Law is being subverted by those who claim to represent it. We are a country based on laws and social cooperation; so I feel this abuse of the law is treasonous.

 I really resent restrictions by impersonal laws that seem to have no relevance to the situation and just keep people alienated. It is good for the people who want to blindside and take advantage, but not good for the people who cannot find legal help for one reason, or another. Then, if they don't just speak their minds and not use lies and sneakiness and in combination with some trace of truth is truly destructive. If people want to get a message across, I do not understand why they cannot be upfront and talk it out, instead of making it ugly and mean. It is a matter of intention. What was done to me qas never meant to have understanding as an outcome' it was meant to use the law illegally to keep people apart. Other people who had no right to impose their will upon others, did just that. What was even worse, was that the person imposing her will had been described as an abuser by police. That person was doubly wrong for taking the law into her own hands to control the people and the outcome. The person who was in the legal field and was responsible for seeing the law was applied correctly, went along with her, knowing knew what he was doing was wrong and did it anyway, because he wanted her to get her way despite knowing she was merely being controlling and not fair. She completely ignored that a free adult has the right to control their own destiny; not be controlled by someone wanting to impose their own will over the situation and adult lives. 

Not only was free will removed from the life of a grown person; it was for no good, valid, legal reason. It was purely vindictive. Giving someone a thank you gift to show gratitude and appreciation for kindness and extra care, cannot be called illegal and punish the giver and turn it into a reason to jail someone for 5 days and want them to suffer the terrors of being in a jail situation, chained like a murderer from head to toe and treated with disdain and given rags as underwear and clothes 2 sizes too small. I was so ill from MS, I could barely hold up my head and mostly had to rest it on the counter.

All the suffering to which I was exposed was merely because a self-centered woman did not like the fact that I gave her domestic partner gifts for his wonderful and very appreciated kindness that turned my life from nothing and sad to feeling I could pick myself up and go on, after my husband drowned and I went through a year of fighting a rare and dangerous cancer.

Only a person of absolutely no human compassion could knowingly subject a kind human being to the frightening and humiliating horrors of being dragged through 6 years + of (ill)legal cruelty and lies and then terrorized by a sadistic radiologist waving a long needle across the innocent victim's eyes, and then yanking out roughly chunks of flesh from my breast and waving them in vials in front of my eyes all while calling me selfish, greedy and saying I took things that belonged to other people (She only could have meant my doctor, who is a human being, NOT a THING, NOT A POSSESSION!) I understand why my doctor's local PD officer made reference to her as an abuser!)  It also certainly does not take much thought to realize that someone who would ask a doctor to harm and terrorize a person in a sensitive situation such as possible breast cancer, is not mentally sound; nor is the person carrying out the terrorism against a patient mentally sound either. It has been a time of torment and horror. Those are sadistic, murderous people!

It makes me worry for my doctor and I think he is living in danger and needs to excape! He is a captive and needs to have freedom!  

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