Saturday, January 1, 2022


 The only thing that means anything in the new year, or any other, is that your life is fulfilled and you see that your family carries on with you as the precious father into the future, showing the example of kindness, integrity and love that is needed in every life to be worthwhile and preserve Earth and its beauty. You are needed in their lives to make certain that happens. Don't let them be taken over by twisted minds who have lost perspective and do not understand what they are doing, because they want what makes themselves happy, not humanity. I only know the little I have seen and the terrible outcome it has brought. As I have said before, the person who is an interloper is not out the make things better for either of you; he wants to make things better for himself. He needs to get away from your lives and get her to get a non-invasive attorney who will help, not harm. I am sure it is tempting to get a freebie attorney, but you can tell this one now, will never help either of you, or your children; only himself.

Please, be safe, no matter how it is done, more than just your life is at stake; her's and your children's can be up for grabs too. Do anything to save them all. I will help you, if you feel I can. I only want what is right.

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