Thursday, October 14, 2021


 I could talk to you forever. I don't look at you and see who I could make you into; I look at you and see the one I have always loved. I love you no matter what. You need to do what makes you feel good. Tell her that she needs to let you be free and she needs to be a strong woman. No one is equal when one has no rights. That is on no level fair. If she hadn't been so hot on torturing me and pushing me into wanting me to get surgery, to maim, or murder me I would not in the same frame of mind, or angry. YOU CANNOT LIVE WITH A PERSON WITH A MIND FOR MURDER, NO MATTER WHO SHE GETS TO DO IT! SHE IS A TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE PERSON AND SHE IS LUCKY SHE IS NOT IN PRISON NOW! She is so mentally ill, she does not understand she is!

Who guards you? Please leave before she injects you with something!

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