Monday, October 18, 2021


 I am getting the ball rolling on getting things dropped. Please help me out and it will help you too!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, dear one!
    Just a regular day today, but thankful for you! That is all that matters! I want to keep lovely thoughts in my head today; so obviously thinking of you and the days to come are of course the biggest part of those.I had some egg nog last night with some rum in it, so I fell asleep right away.At first I did not even know it was Thanksgiving. I was thinking it was tomorrow.I have gotten so used to doing nothing for it.I hope escape is always on one's mind. My biggest thrill would be to hear your voice.Sometimes I listened to it, but it would be nice to know it was for me. Sometimes I read into the sound as to how you are doing. It usually sounded brusque and it made me worry. If I heard you speak to me in real time, I would be in Heaven. You have been the love of my life.It has been the blessing I always craved. Thank you for always being so kind to me; I will always be there for you. I will always strive to get you free and safe. Love never dies.

  2. Of course, you need to get everything you need to say together.

  3. I wrote to the attorney who said he might help. I will copy and paste our correspondence tonight. Thank you for the hug! I love you so much!

  4. I listened to my renter read "Funeral Blues", naturally I cried.

  5. I am so anxious, crying released some of the anxiety.

  6. I am just a bug trying to escape the one with the Black Flag can, I cannot escape. I think I will be one who dies of a broken heart. I want to free you and have another look into your eyes. I wish you would escape for your birthday.

  7. I am losing hope, love of my life. I truly am. I am so sad I could die.

  8. I was upbeat with my ideas, but something is always one step ahead of me and grinds them into dust. Then I shake off my gut grinding, heart stopping sadness and pick up again and go one. Sometimes, I hate myself, because I feel useless. I can't free you and it is all I want. I want to see you happy and smile for me.

  9. Boo boo, one instead of on. Oh well.

  10. Can you ever work a small word for me in your out going message? Maybe "have a lovely evening?" It would make me so happy.

  11. I found someone professional who helps people doing their own defense, etc. I will see. Hopefully she will call in the am/tomorrow. $!00 per hour is stiff for me. Wish me luck.

  12. I have a Twitter follower who is tough and trains soldiers....interesting!

  13. I want to hug you so much! I am aching to hug you....if it is okay.....

  14. I am so confused. Have compassion for me. I am in the dark and facing the abyss; should I jump for you, or stay safe? I worry that you will look blankly at me and ask who I am. I get the feeling you have forgotten who I am.

    1. That is absurd! He has been there for me a lot.

  15. If I am dying, please let me see you again.

  16. I want to hold you for hours and hours. I love you.

  17. I am a jerk. I am so sorry. I would never harm you, my darling love. I have needed to get out my sadness and frustration and how much I worry about you. I am sorry I blamed you, but it hurt so bad; I could barely think.

  18. When I hurt, I just talk about it, but I get no answers, so the hurt feels worse. It is a bizarre situation. I wrote to an attorney to see about help. I never expect anything, but hope. All I know is how much you mean to me.

  19. I want to forget about anything bad as far as you and I are concerned. I obviously had resentments and had to get them out, or else they could fester. Even then; it is me with no feedback, except a kind of punishment for airing out my sadness and confusion. I don't blame you; that is likely the behavior you have lived with for over 20 years, or so. If I had someone to speak with, this would all be a moot point. I love you and that does not mean I will lash out at you when I could speak with you. This is a bad situation and it is meant to harm people; that is what it does. It has gone on a lot longer than it could have. I would have loved to have your support, but I have no idea if that will ever happen. It cannot happen if no one speaks out against it, or will not leave. It won't happen by wishing and praying, as the GOP have shown us with their method of gun violence "control!" It mocks those of us who have nothing else but prayer at our control. Just prayer without action is basically meaningless. When I say, "he needs help" they ALWAYS tell me, "he needs to ask!" They do not comprehend the concept of "he does not have the ability," but I actually do not understand it completely either. There is always a phone around, or borrow one. I am trying, but I get people all upset at me, like I am doing wrong. I always get them asking, "how do you know?" Then, I worry about lack of cooperation. Which brings me back to the touchy subject. It is a touchy subject for me too. There is a difference between not understanding facts and blaming someone.I am trying to understand. Please don't punish by withholding; it hurts like crazy. You would not do that if we could talk.

  20. If I could always have the benefit of the doubt and know you are someone I care about and not someone I am looking to hurt, like you are used to, then things would be better. I am not a narcissist; don't treat me like one, or pick up their traits; it isn't something you want to emulate. You are a kind, caring person; please stay that way. Love.

  21. You should see me, when I see numbers I jump up and down and wave my arms around. It makes me so happy, I am boosted for a long while.

  22. I get so discouraged; it hurts.

  23. SHARE
    'Crime tourism' bringing burglary crews from South America to Hillsborough, other CA communities
    By Sid Garcia
    Friday, March 18, 2022

    South American burglary crews targeting CA homes, authorities say

    HILLSBOROUGH, Calif. -- Law enforcement agencies call it "crime tourism" -- groups of thieves from South America traveling to California to burglarize homes.

    Surveillance video released by Hillsborough police shows a burglary crew believed to be from South America targeting a luxury home. It's just one in a series of crimes involving burglars from out of the country, hitting homes in affluent communities up and down the state.

    Earlier this month, the Ventura County Sheriff's Office arrested a four-man crew that robbed a home in a Camarillo neighborhood.

    "This is crime tourism. They're coming here for the purpose of targeting neighborhoods," said Cmdr. Erik Buschow with the Ventura Sheriff's Office. "Specifically vehicles, homes. Not violent crimes, but they're going after the big bucks."

    RELATED: Hillsborough police release video of burglars they say could be tied to tourism theft group

    Hillsborough police released surveillance video of a home burglary that happened near Eugenia Way and Butternut Drive early Saturday morning.

    In the case in Camarillo, sheriff's deputies spotted the getaway car and gave chase all the way into Los Angeles. LAPD helped out in arresting the suspects.

    Investigators say the crews will often wait for the homeowners to leave before moving in.

    "They target homes that back up to golf courses and open space," Buschow said. "And they'll literally stand in the bushes and watch and when people leave, sometimes it's a two-hour window, they'll go out to dinner or something like that - they'll go in and pounce."

    According to Ventura County sheriff's investigators, most of the "tourist burglary crews" are from Chile.

    VIDEO: Hillsborough police investigate series of safe burglaries; may be linked to 'tourism theft groups'

    Hillsborough Police investigate a series of safe burglaries that could be linked to one group.

    They're able to easily obtain tourist visas to travel to California by applying online. Once they have a visa they land at LAX and start their crime spree.

    Residents in one Camarillo neighborhood say they're well aware of the South American burglary crews that have been targeting their community and the surrounding areas.

    "Several of my friends have been hit repeatedly," Camarillo resident John McGrath said. "And it's matter of sharing information and getting involved in community watch. Things like that really seem to help. And anytime you see something suspicious report it."

    According to the Ventura County Sheriff's Office, last year alone, they handled 100 cases involving crews from South America.


  24. Haviva/Cheryl Petrovich
    Your PD dept refuses to check on Dr. Gregory Lukaszewicz MD,being held prisoner at his home in Hillsborough on Mountain Wood Lane He's taken from home to work &work to home.N.Nicole Moayeri & Mike C Guasco prevent his freedom.Greg needs to be questioned,6'4,silver hair. HELP him!

  25. I wish I knew what to do......and when. That is the hardest part and that I have no license. I think that part was done purposely. It was too coincidental.

  26. Looking for an attorney using a company.
    I was friendly w/my Kaiser doctor. Kaiser had been harming my doctor and keeping him falsely imprisoned. He somewhat confided in me about his predicament. Kaiser wanted to keep me quiet, so they decided to turn the tables on me and make me a villain to take the blame off of them. They made it sound like my doctor was upset with me, but he wasn't, he had approached me to help him. Kaiser has him falsely imprisoned in his own home by his former domestic partner and a Kaiser contract attorney. From what I have gathered and seen from court appearances, my doctor looks badly treated. He was unusually thin, disheveled clothes and hair, when he was always immaculate. It looked like he had fading bruises on his face. A local police officer said in a round about way that his former domestic partner was his abuser. She has abused me too, using Kaiser doctors. She had a friend, a temp Serbian psychiatrist get me as a patient and then interrogated me about how I felt about my doctor. I thought that a psy would be confidential,but I am sure she must have "spilled the beans" to my doctor's former domestic partner.Since she is a narcissist,it enraged her. The psy told me my doctor hated me and I embarrassed him. She also said I told him I loved him, but I did not. I realized later, she was setting me up for things to come.They all tried to have me sound guilty for future attacks to make me look bad. She ran me down until I cried, then she hung up on me. I believe she was trying to get me to harm myself, because when she hung up, I was of a mind to hurt myself My doctor was concerned after speaking with me after he called me to check on me. He called people he knew I knew and had them call me to distract me and keep me from harming myself. It worked. Then, the hotel manager came to my door and gave me a complimentary night at the hotel. I am sure it was my doctor. This case is merely a case of con people doing a con and using the court to do it. I would love to prove I am innocent of any wrong doing. When I am free and not being used as a scapegoat to keep my doctor a prisoner; he may be free to live his life as he feels and not falsely imprisoned. I would love to change the venue to closer to my home in Mendocino County, because I do not have a DL and I am a senior with MS and the long difficult drive hurts my legs. I will get my license again, but until then, my roommate kindly drives me nearby where I need to go. So, change of venue to have a fair chance, then dismissal, since I never was allowed to show my evidence to prove it was all manufactured against me, to make me a scapegoat for con people to harm my doctor and somehow blame me. I want to be far from their criminal behavior and clearly show my innocence through my evidence. thank you to anyone who helps me;this has hurt my self-esteem;I cannot feel like I may visit my 90 year old mother,or my son;I'm too ashamed with these false records against me.It has been 6.5 years & the attorney harming me and using me,added on another R.O. for another 5 years."Prior behavior"he said, which was nothing. It feels like some weird revenge.It hurts having it hang over my head. I want freedom from this thing that makes no sense and scares me.I'm sure it is no fun for my doctor either;the last time I saw him in court,he looked beaten up & abused.I wish he could be helped.He was thin,barked like a feral dog & had fading bruises & scars.I've no gravitas w/an R.O. etc on my record;no one will help him get freedom on my say so.I feel the people doing this are planning something even worse for him; I am afraid.He's an important person.He was the president of the San Mateo Medical Association & a Harvard Surgeon.He should not be held as a captive.I heard that they may lie & say he is not mentally well,but that must be a part of their plan to keep him a prisoner.I knew him very well as a friend;he is obviously a genius,but not mentally unwell.He is a very kind person! Thank you for your consideration!

  27. I hope this turns into a birthday present for you; I want that so much! Sending my deepest love to you!

  28. I would give you anything and everything! I want to make you happy! I believe in love......
