Monday, October 18, 2021


 If I am able to see you again; I will have a hard time taking my eyes off of you.  

You have always been where my eyes loved to rest. 


  1. I have two pictures of you that I keep very close at all times. They give me stamina, even when I am dead tired. I miss you so much; I know I will faint when I see you again. I love you no end!.

    1. Below is yet another email form to a law office.

  2. Dear E***** Law Firm,
    I hope you are very well!
    I have been under a false restraining order for over 6 years and given 5 more years from lies and his wanting to please his real wealthy client. I would like a change of venue of the court and then file a dismissal, or just file a dismissal; however you see fit. It began in San Mateo County Superior Court and since then, I moved to Mendocino County, around 120 miles away.

  3. I am a senior widow, cancer survivor, with MS and was now given a breast cancer diagnosis. I cannot drive to San Mateo County, because the drive is too far and difficult for me and also because I now live on Hwy. 1 next to the ocean; which makes the drive awful for me. The attorney doing the false restraining order is a company contract attorney and is doing a company employee a favor by putting someone else's name as Plaintiff (and forging his signature) instead of herself, because she doesn't want me to be a friend of her former domestic partner. The false Plaintiff refuted the R.O. in court, but was ignored. The real client is a wealthy narcissist and enjoys dragging me to court for her amusement. I cannot do that; it hurts my health in many ways. I will take any help you may be able to provide. From my experience; it has become clear that I cannot get fair treatment in San Mateo County Court; my name has been smeared fairly liberally. The restraining order has gone on 6 plus years and the opposing attorney has already been granted 5 years more. He seems to have an "in" with the Court and judges. They said that the false Plaintiff did not like gifts I had given him for his dedicated and fine work he did for me, but the fact that he kept the tasteful gifts & had written me thank you notes (emails) made no impression. Getting 11 years so far, (as they hope, for no real reason) for thanked and kept gifts by him, makes no sense! It hurts my self-esteem and makes my 90 year old mother feel ashamed of me as well as does my son. It haunts me each day! I want the last years of my life to be unencumbered with the stigma that means nothing to them, but is horrible for me. A jealous woman is enjoying making me miserable because of her insane jealousy, with no provocation and no right. She is breaking the law, but I have no attorney, so nothing I have to say carries any gravitas to help a fight. The opposing attorney yelled at me that could keep me restrained forever! I think his client is paying him well to keep me restrained. (I once was told by her town PD dept officer on the phone, that she was an abuser of the man who is playing the Plaintiff in this drama). I have been away from the San Mateo County area for nearly 6 years and go there only for court and infrequent medical appts., but usually I go to a medical clinic within walking distance from my home. Nothing her attorney has said in my file is true. He even lied to the Court to get me a contempt charge with a misdemeanor charge and a 5 day jail sentence. I was so sick from my MS, I could barely hold up my head. I was handcuffed and shackled, like a murderer, not a older woman who gave a few gifts of gratitude over the years! I know that attorney will do it again and again! I am terrified! I don't understand such cruel people! It is insane!


  4. Any help you could give me with the least amount of travel, or work for you; such as filing online, would be great! If you have any suggestions for the best way to do my defense would be gratefully accepted. I am desperate and I am very tired and feel like this thing has taken a permanent toll on my health and my happiness in life.
    The false Plaintiff is likely held as a prisoner in his own home, driven to work and driven back home again. He looked mistreated and messy at court, when his usual appearance is immaculate. He barked out his answers like a feral dog and he was thin and sad and appeared to have fading bruises. I think they are holding him prisoner and hoping they can
    forge a will and get what he owns. These people have been mean to me and terrified me. I am worried about my friend and he needs to be able to tell his story. I cannot get authorities to help him, or me, I guess it has to do with the false restraining order against me. We are very good friends and I even sent him power of attorney over me and put him in my will for a fourth. The woman and her attorney are criminals and his captors. He needs to tell those in authority, so he can at last find freedom!
    Thank you for your time!

    Very Sincerely yours,
    Cheryl Chapin-Petrovich
    707 412-0399
