Thursday, September 2, 2021


 I suppose it is closing in on time to sleep. I am glad I rested quite a bit yesterday, because my are is doing considerably better. I took a couple of melatonin last night and I slept really well for awhile. Usually I am awake very early, but yesterday, I awoke at 11 am. it was surprising. I had planned to sit in the sun to get some long lasting vt,D, but there wasn't much sun to speak of, so just as well. I got up for a moment, and accidentally knocked into the vacuum I figured was gone, but came roaring back 3 am. I felt bad since it was so noisy and so early! Ooops!

I could swear the woman on TV just said, "well at least I'm not peeing myself!" 

I saw in the transcripts that someone was making a problem out of my giving an autographed picture of Robin Williams to my friend after he passed on. It sounded as if it was supposed to sound ominous and bad. I thought it was nice since we both missed him. They try and make everything sound like a threat of somesort. I think they do that to create a need for a reason to clamp down on freedom. They are so sad and twisted. No one could be as ominous and scary as they. They cannot make my friend take me as a problem; since he knows me, as I know him. 


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