Monday, September 20, 2021


💦 💨My renter's dental office called this A.M. @8 to remind him of his 2:30 appt! I heard him confirm it Fri! I am lucky I was STILL up from my freaky insomnia! Now, he just woke me up to tell me that he could not sleep after he heard them call at 8! I used to unplug the phone if I were sleeping my bizarre schedule, but I was thinking it was irresponsible of me. You know, I am supposed to have a phone appt w/that vas surgeon from Santa Rosa. She is nice, but I don't want to be pressured to come in. You know who is behind THAT! "She" wants to be able to take over surgery and "oops! I sliced the wrong thing, or I sneezed covid in there.....!"  There is only ONE surgeon who can slice me open...... and it is NOT her! I don't care what the rules are! ❤

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