Monday, September 20, 2021


 I got a note from my mother saying that her world has gone back to normal and she is working in the library as usual, but she is no longer treasurer (No explanation). She had dinner at their restaurant with people she hadn't seen for ages. BUT, what made me feel so nice, was that she told me my poetry was amazing and beautiful! I did not reveal my muse......for some reason I have stopped writing lately, but I want to start up again. My great-grandfather who owned the Pasadena Star Newspaper wrote poetry and published a small book for his wife.  (I don't know much about her. ) His house was razed to make room for Huntington Hospital parking lot. I went to see the home before it was demolished and got a small light fixture, but it broke on the way home. That made me sad, but I was able to by his poetry book on Amazon and his "Thirty Years in Pasadena" book(s) l & ll. 

The Garden of the Heart Hardcover – January 1, 1930

Early Days in Iowa Hardcover – January 1, 1931

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