Friday, September 17, 2021


 I have lost much of my inhibitions over the years of being beaten down and made to feel like garbage amongst my noble and royal relatives. I was feeling so embarrassed that I let the ancestors down, but then I thought of how many of them faced indignities, such as defenestration, beheading, poisoning and more. I guess the fact that someone felt I was better than they and they wanted to knock me down a few pegs, was absolutely sad for them. Too bad that they feel so low about themselves that they must knock me down so the can feel good about themselves. It just makes themselves awfully sad, when they should feel have enough self-esteem for herself. People who have a healthy self-esteem don't need to run others down, or otherwise abuse them. The ugly traditions passed down are better left hidden. Think about future generations facing the harmful effects of her selfish cruelty. I can tell that by having them drive by my house and yell at me that it was selfish and immature of the person having them do it. I feel that was abusive itself. It was wrong of her to have them do it. I wonder if she ever let them be children? Why she would ever put that in their heads gives me an idea of her warped attitude of cruelty toward you too. Don't ever feel guilty ever, because you are caring and loving. My mother was very cold & could be cruel but not so crippled as she, but  I do understand to a degree messed up thinking.  Fortunately, it made me avoid being like that quite fiercely. I love to make people feel good. But I am understanding, to a degree. I think people need to know the bad that they inflict on innocent, impressionable others and STOP IT!

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