Saturday, September 11, 2021



Introducing Quora+

Quora+ is a subscription to the best of Quora. Enjoy special access to content while supporting creators.

How to gaslight a gaslighter:

  1. When they gaslight you, tell them that they're right, walk off, present your evidence on a Facebook page, dedicated to the gaslighter. Then get upset and block them for having a Facebook page. *sleep with random stranger*.
  2. When they ask you about your day at work, tell them that you don't have a job and that you've actually been going for an eight hour jog everyday. Then get upset and block them for not noticing the divine state of your body. *sleep with random stranger*.
  3. When they come back home, ask them who tf they are. Tell them that trespassing is not allowed and that you're invoking your right to shoot them. Then get upset and block them for trying to defend themselves. *sleep with random stranger*.
  4. When they wake up in the morning, hold them down on the bed. Tell them to take it easy because they've just awoken from being in a coma. And the doctor said once awake they will suffer of severe amnesia, extreme fantasies and a lack of comprehension. And they owe you a large sum of money. Then get upset and block them for abandoning you while being in a coma. *sleep with random stranger*.
  5. Use actual gas and a lighter and show them how gaslighting is really done. Then get upset and block them for crying and complaining about their burned face. *sleep with random stranger*.
119 comments from 
Freddie Valos
 and more
Have you considered how you'll withdraw your retirement income? These simple mistakes could cost you.

Narcissists by and large evolve from two extreme camps during formative years. The first is the extremely spoiled child of narcissistic parents where every whim will be attended to and the other at the far end of spectrum. That of the neglected child. Either way both resulting adults share the same inability to survive being alone.

Its all to do with coping. They just cant cope having only their own company to bounce off. For the neglected child you can understand the need for continual company considering the void of love and affection experienced during formative years. Why would anyone want those memories to resurface. So painful they must be avoided at all costs.

The spoiled child had a completely different upbringing. Perpetually praised to the hilt their backsides really were well and truly run after but at what cost. When you grow up having everything taken care of it hardly creates an individual best able to cope with adversity on their own. Both scenarios have created the type of people where living alone is simply not an option. A mixture of both practical and emotional needs that can only be fulfilled from close contact with others. If only the emotional part was so simple but unfortunately extreme upbringings produce extreme characters. Needing someone in your life is one thing but having to then control them quite another.

Suggest read chapter ‘Narcissists and control’ in book entitled:

‘Prepare to be tortured. The price you will pay for dating a narcissist’.

Available amazon books.

Introducing Quora+

Quora+ is a subscription to the best of Quora. Enjoy special access to content while supporting creators.

How to gaslight a gaslighter:

  1. When they gaslight you, tell them that they're right, walk off, present your evidence on a Facebook page, dedicated to the gaslighter. Then get upset and block them for having a Facebook page. *sleep with random stranger*.
  2. When they ask you about your day at work, tell them that you don't have a job and that you've actually been going for an eight hour jog everyday. Then get upset and block them for not noticing the divine state of your body. *sleep with random stranger*.
  3. When they come back home, ask them who tf they are. Tell them that trespassing is not allowed and that you're invoking your right to shoot them. Then get upset and block them for trying to defend themselves. *sleep with random stranger*.
  4. When they wake up in the morning, hold them down on the bed. Tell them to take it easy because they've just awoken from being in a coma. And the doctor said once awake they will suffer of severe amnesia, extreme fantasies and a lack of comprehension. And they owe you a large sum of money. Then get upset and block them for abandoning you while being in a coma. *sleep with random stranger*.
  5. Use actual gas and a lighter and show them how gaslighting is really done. Then get upset and block them for crying and complaining about their burned face. *sleep with random stranger*.
119 comments from 
Freddie Valos
 and more
Have you considered how you'll withdraw your retirement income? These simple mistakes could cost you.

Narcissists by and large evolve from two extreme camps during formative years. The first is the extremely spoiled child of narcissistic parents where every whim will be attended to and the other at the far end of spectrum. That of the neglected child. Either way both resulting adults share the same inability to survive being alone.

Its all to do with coping. They just cant cope having only their own company to bounce off. For the neglected child you can understand the need for continual company considering the void of love and affection experienced during formative years. Why would anyone want those memories to resurface. So painful they must be avoided at all costs.

The spoiled child had a completely different upbringing. Perpetually praised to the hilt their backsides really were well and truly run after but at what cost. When you grow up having everything taken care of it hardly creates an individual best able to cope with adversity on their own. Both scenarios have created the type of people where living alone is simply not an option. A mixture of both practical and emotional needs that can only be fulfilled from close contact with others. If only the emotional part was so simple but unfortunately extreme upbringings produce extreme characters. Needing someone in your life is one thing but having to then control them quite another.

Suggest read chapter ‘Narcissists and control’ in book entitled:

‘Prepare to be tortured. The price you will pay for dating a narcissist’.

Available amazon books.

Introducing Quora+

Quora+ is a subscription to the best of Quora. Enjoy special access to content while supporting creators.

How to gaslight a gaslighter:

  1. When they gaslight you, tell them that they're right, walk off, present your evidence on a Facebook page, dedicated to the gaslighter. Then get upset and block them for having a Facebook page. *sleep with random stranger*.
  2. When they ask you about your day at work, tell them that you don't have a job and that you've actually been going for an eight hour jog everyday. Then get upset and block them for not noticing the divine state of your body. *sleep with random stranger*.
  3. When they come back home, ask them who tf they are. Tell them that trespassing is not allowed and that you're invoking your right to shoot them. Then get upset and block them for trying to defend themselves. *sleep with random stranger*.
  4. When they wake up in the morning, hold them down on the bed. Tell them to take it easy because they've just awoken from being in a coma. And the doctor said once awake they will suffer of severe amnesia, extreme fantasies and a lack of comprehension. And they owe you a large sum of money. Then get upset and block them for abandoning you while being in a coma. *sleep with random stranger*.
  5. Use actual gas and a lighter and show them how gaslighting is really done. Then get upset and block them for crying and complaining about their burned face. *sleep with random stranger*.
119 comments from 
Freddie Valos
 and more
Have you considered how you'll withdraw your retirement income? These simple mistakes could cost you.

Narcissists by and large evolve from two extreme camps during formative years. The first is the extremely spoiled child of narcissistic parents where every whim will be attended to and the other at the far end of spectrum. That of the neglected child. Either way both resulting adults share the same inability to survive being alone.

Its all to do with coping. They just cant cope having only their own company to bounce off. For the neglected child you can understand the need for continual company considering the void of love and affection experienced during formative years. Why would anyone want those memories to resurface. So painful they must be avoided at all costs.

The spoiled child had a completely different upbringing. Perpetually praised to the hilt their backsides really were well and truly run after but at what cost. When you grow up having everything taken care of it hardly creates an individual best able to cope with adversity on their own. Both scenarios have created the type of people where living alone is simply not an option. A mixture of both practical and emotional needs that can only be fulfilled from close contact with others. If only the emotional part was so simple but unfortunately extreme upbringings produce extreme characters. Needing someone in your life is one thing but having to then control them quite another.

Suggest read chapter ‘Narcissists and control’ in book entitled:

‘Prepare to be tortured. The price you will pay for dating a narcissist’.

Available amazon books.

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