Thursday, September 30, 2021


 Okay. What I was wondering: what if I file something with the court.  Whatever I have with the court; is either going to be against you, her, him, or what they did, a forgery, or if they send back a forgery, dispute it. I guess I will sue for forgery. I am getting so sad and rarely any numbers, so I am feeling horrible. Will you please approve dropping the r.o.?  Do you really want to be free, because she will never give up. You might want to tell her that the longer she holds you captive the worse the punishment it will be for her and that people know what she is doing to you. Also, if you die; she will be the the one who will be first to be first suspected. You need to talk yourself out of this. But also that the horrible man could turn any of it it around and blackmail her. I' ll bet they did have not paperwork between each other. Please, please I beg of you, you NEED to get safe! Tell me when to get you, or run! When people are asleep go. Is someone actually watching you? If I get nothing back; what point is is to write and if you do nothing, I am going to feel you have had a lobotomy. I am trying, nothing official is working. If I sue you; it is just to get you to me not personal! Okay? I love you.

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