Thursday, September 16, 2021

Show You

 For some reason I keep expecting to talk with you. Oh please let it happen. I am really surprised I am not dying of rotted insides from all the worrying. At least it felt close to speaking, but there must be reasons. I spend time looking here and wishing here than anywhere . People have been wondering where I am on FB, but I don't care. All I care about is feeling close to you. I would forget knowing anyone else if I could know you.  I know they were never going to let me know you anyway. I know it was a ruse to get me to react. They knew I would do anything to be closer to you. MP got me to confess how I felt about you. I thought it was private, but then she taunted me about it. What horrible, cruel people surround you.

I want to improve myself and love you, if that is okay with you, because my passion is so overflowing. 

If you just want to be friends, fine, but I would love to show you how deeply I feel.   

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