Saturday, September 11, 2021


 Gee, you know one of these.....

Yes they can. Many narcs overplay their hand. Their superiority is also their weakness.

My nex girlfriend was enslaved by her own need to manipulate. Literally every word that came out of her mouth was a lie. She just couldn’t control herself. Constantly dominating our conversations and gaslighting me. I on the other hand am a more quiet and collected individual. I was under constant attack by her for the entirety of our relationship and the more she found out that it wasn’t that easy to corrupt me the more her manipulative behavior became visible. For every proverbial punch she threw at me new cracks started to appear in her mask. Which stung her like a mofo.

At that time I was already gaining knowledge on Quora which empowered me to start reinforcing my boundaries and prepping my escape-plan.

The funny thing is though. At the end of our relationship when she was busy initiating the discard she wrote to me: “I hope one day I’ll become like you”, which indicates that she knew that she and I were nothing alike. Right after that message I threw her headfirst from a proverbial rooftop of a skyscraper. I went full no contact.

She was SHELL SHOCKED..!!!

She really was under the impression that she was in full control this whole time.. you see there is only one thing and one thing only narcissists can’t control and that is “the element of surprise”. Its their kryptonite.

I remember when she was tumbling down, looking back at me with a face of shock and horror.. her famous last words were: “I really didn’t see that coming”.

I calmly and collectedly replied with: “I know! Sayonara!”

It caused a next-level cataclysmic narcissistic injury. She even deactivated her Instagram account and that was her transwarp corridor for supply.

The next day I changed my phone number and the rest is history..!

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Kate McLaren
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