Monday, August 31, 2020


 Just when I found a new storage place, all this Hell dropped down and prevented it. It just does not pay to have too much stuff, or go from a much larger place to much smaller with too much stuff. I had 50 years of my great aunt and uncle's things to go through and it was a long, tiring job. Also doing that from my home prior with my own belongings was tough. It turns into a monster and makes people slaves to their belongings. It is a vicious circle of a problem.

Last words

 The firefighter who treated Princess Diana as she lay fatally injured in a Paris tunnel has said he was certain she would survive the crash. Twenty years after the tragedy, Sergeant Xavier Gourmelon, who led the response team, said the Princess of Wales' last words were: “My God, what's happened?”

As much

 The thought of cancer never saddened me as much as the thought of never seeing you again.


 Sleep well, sweet one. You are loved.


 I haven't been able to get my house in order. I keep copying papers and worrying.  I feel like I need to restore a large forest. 

I hate reading the depressing legal things that mean people said and the weird things people have said to me over the years and the way things were done to make me feel pain. I knew the things that were done to me were as a punishment.

I thought that my skin had thickened, but I guess not. That doctor accused me of having no emotions, or feelings. I cried because I wanted you to be there to make her berating stop. She said, "well at least you can cry, even if it just for yourself."  She just went on and on. 

How could that be something a person could do to another. Could they really believe those things about me?


 I hope you are well. 

I don't ever want do, or say anything wrong as far as you are concerned. I only want to be a positive element to you. 

I was just watching a program about Diana's dresses. Then, I saw one dress that nearly matched the embroidery on a blouse that I planned to wear to court. I never wore it before.  Maybe it will be good luck. 

I need it. If I have a smile from you, it will be my blessing. My life will be on a happier path. You always make anything better. 

I don't want to be sad any longer. I know it will kill me, if it continues.  

I am very worried.   

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Not again

 I won't be able to survive if they do this again. 

Your desire

I want to take care of you and love you always, if it is also your desire.


 I look forward to your smile.


 You knew I loved you. 

And always will.


 I just love you so much.

Stop this

 I love an ocean view, but I'd love a view of you so much more.

Will you break away and be free? It is the only way this will end. The judge can stop it.

Truth again

I could not take it if it is already a done deal for the court thing. What has gone on is not legal and it could get pushed through again. It would completely break me into pieces. How could someone feel right about this to another human being, much less 2 of them? That is a monster. Knowing I was forcing someone to be with me would be odd. That is not a relationship, plus getting a colleague to torture another person to try and frighten them off is reprehensible! That attorney seems to feel confident, that is why truth needs to come out. I wish I knew what the power is over you. How can they force you to live the life they want you to have? I think if truth is brought out in court, it will break the spell.


CIV 536 961 11 messages Haviva von Martinitz Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 1:28 AM Honorable Judge Chou September 23, 2019 San Mateo Superior Court Redwood City, CA RE: CIV 536 961 & Name P/D/O Case No File Date Petrovich Cheryl Jan D 19NM005389A 04-23-2019 Dear Honorable Judge Chou: 1). I only discovered this criminal case by chance, when a friend told me to look at the case website from another direction. It is a warrant for my arrest for a false contempt charge to a false restraining order. 2). I was completely shocked. Since that time, I have been having terrible MS symptoms and feel awful. My head pounds and I am nauseated and dizzy. I am at a loss. I had a doctor's appointment for diabetic retinopathy. I have been also losing my balance. My head has been hurting so much I am worried I may have a stroke. 3). I would respectfully ask that the criminal matter be removed. I had no chance to explain. The court papers were sent to my old address, which was a surprise since a couple of years ago, or so, I called the court to give my new address, when they used my old address for a court hearing, which is strange, since I have lived here for 3 years now and Kaiser attorney, Mike Guasco has had my correct address early on and has even sent a process server, Joe Curtin here twice now. No other legal communication was sent to me. Mr. Guasco has my email address and I would have thought he would have at least contacted me about this matter at some point. 4). Judge Chou, as you know, an invalid restraining order cannot carry contempt charges. The initial restraining order had many anomalies, including forgeries and untrue statements in it, but to be succinct, I will at this time, concentrate upon the extension. I will show that the extension was invalid due to forgery, false evidence, no discovery and the Plaintiff was not present, when Mr. Guasco marked on the paperwork that Dr. Lukaszewicz had in fact been there. My adult son, Daniel Petrovich was present and stated that no plaintiff was in the Court July 12th 2018 at neither 9:00 A.M. or later, when the trial was moved to the 8th floor courtroom. 5). Mr. Guasco’s actions seem to indicate that there was intentional deception to the court on his part regarding the extension. It makes one wonder if Dr. Lukaszewicz even knew about the extension being requested by Mr. Guasco at all, or even wanted it. 6). Outside the courtroom, Mr. Guasco lunged at me and screamed in my face and ran off. I wanted to respond to what he screamed at me, leaving a handicapped senior with MS to run after him. That action on the part of Mr. Guasco lacked decorum, or any proper polite attitude, especially since he knew full well about my health issues. 7). I would respectfully request that the extension be dropped at this time. There is no indication that Dr. Lukaszewicz wanted any part of it (or even the central R.O. for many of the same reasons I cite for the extension.) I have not spoken to Dr. Lukaszewicz directly since October 9, 2015, when I dropped him as my doctor after he asked me if we might become friends, which requires time apart. (Usually 3 months-6 months.) He came to my surgery at Kaiser South San Francisco at my request late in December 2015 to keep me safe and free from worry. I left him a voicemail message using a number given to me by Patient Relation’s manager, Bertha Ponse, but it was not real; it was a trap message line, that Dr. Lukaszewicz did not use. I called thanking him and approximately a week and a half later I was served a TRO, in which they cited things that could have only happened 97 days prior, or more (since I dropped him as my doctor at that time) it was for gifts I gave him, for which he thanked me and kept. 8). In the courtroom of Judge Novak, Dr. Lukaszewicz called my gifts “very nice and expensive.” He looked right at me and kindly said my name and then complimented my gifts. He was not upset with me, or my gifts, in fact, he completely destroyed the basic premise of the entire restraining order, but he was ignored and was never brought back to court with me present. 9). He was present the day I arrived late, but only his name was on the case readout. Judge Novak asked how I knew to be there. I said said a clerk told me. Then, I realized I really was not supposed to have been there. I was told that “somehow” the notice was sent to (again) my old address and I only heard about it when I called the court and a clerk asked me if I knew I was supposed to be in court the next day at 9 A.M. I did not. I left home from Mendocino County at 4:30 A.M., but due to heavy traffic and road work, I did not arrive to court until 11:00 A.M. I spoke with Judge Novak who spoke to me about my fine and community service. I had tried to ask the court about how one goes about paying the court, but I was told that my case did not warrant payment, or community service, since it was a civil matter. I relayed the information to Judge Novak, but she told me to “pay it anyway.” I think she called down to the Clerk’s Office and then they accepted a payment of $100.00 and she also waived the community service. 10). It is interesting that Mr. Guasco has trouble with getting the correct addresses on his forms. His paperwork to me told me to mail it back to an address in Sacramento, but I ignored it. Amazing how wrong addresses can cause so much harm. I would hate to think he does it on purpose, but it would certainly be an effective way to garner an arrest warrant for the Defendant. I don’t suppose someone who lies in court documents and uses forgeries would stoop that low, right? 11). I would respectfully ask that due to the Plaintiff’s forged signature on the extension documents, false evidence and no sharing of the evidence for me to refute (Discovery) no statement from the Plaintiff and the false addition of checking the box on the paperwork saying that the Plaintiff was in the Courtroom, when he was not, that the extension be dropped. It could only be construed as deliberate fraud on the part of Mr. Guasco and abuse of Court! 12). Mr. Guasco should be tried for purposely manufacturing a false and terrorizing restraining order case against me! I request that the DA brings charges up against attorney Michael C. Guasco for filing and falsifying court documents, tampering with my experts, filing false evidence and intentionally harming and abusing a senior citizen who had no one to help defend her! He smeared my name and made it impossible for me to find legal help! He should be charged with the maximum penalty for this heinous crime! I have been brutalized and suffer each day for his intentional legal harm to me! He harms many other innocent people too! It needs to STOP! 13). 1.1. Legal orders Penal Code 166 section (a)(4) specifically condemns "Willful disobedience of the terms as written of any process or court order or out-of-state court order, lawfully issued by any court, including orders pending trial." The word "lawfully" was not inadvertently placed in the writing...its use was intentional. As California courts have noted, "an order of contempt cannot stand if the underlying order is invalid."8.And as Newport Beach criminal defense attorney John Murray explains, "Unlike many other states...California not only allows a person who is affected by an unlawful order to challenge the order's validity while he/she nevertheless complies with the order but also allows an individual to disobey the order and raise his/her concerns at the time when the court attempts to punish that disobedience." 14). Mr. Guasco had his own personal agenda where this R.O. was concerned. Please see the evidence and act accordingly and drop this false extension. It is what is called for in this instance. Thank you. Sincerely, Cheryl Petrovich P.O. Box 120 Gualala, CA 95445


 I am trying keep it together. This false TRO is making me feel worse. It not only harms my health, but it takes away finances from my household and friends who have been depending on me to help them financially at this time. I cannot be okay, while others are suffering. I cannot feed myself while others are hungry, not even animals. I cannot even be of comfort to my mother on a regular basis. We did not have a close relationship anyway, but she does not want to hear about my troubles, so I call and sound falsely cheery and don't know what to say. This thing is the biggest problem and issue in my life, next to the way our country is under demolition by the one who is supposed to be protecting it. 

Some days I feel like I cannot go on, like I am falling apart. It is affecting my friends too. I never got a text message from my friend using all caps and 4 letter words before. She is sweet, quiet and caring, but now, I have her enveloped in my crap. I was looking for a kind word and support, but I never stopped to think it might affect her, or my son. I know this has harmed him and his peace and serenity. This has been a tiny ripple of shame and disgust that has spread out and gotten larger in its sphere of negative influence. It amazes me that people like that attorney and that self-centered woman can just keep doing this to someone they know did nothing. If they think I want anything, they are wrong. I want to be able to enjoy the smile of my friend and the warmth of his kindness. 

Dr. Moayeri is responsible for making her relationship good, but she obviously doesn't care enough to do it and thinks  even neglect should make him happy. People are not pets where you can just give them the bare necessities and they would be grateful for it; humans need attention, caring, affection, respect, show an interest in them, at the very least. Love would sure be nice. I feel that she only wants an income making pet, not a human being, she can't be bothered, in fact, she doesn't sound like someone who could handle a dog, or a cat, thay do need affection, and create some messes. I saw the perfect pet for her, it slithered across the sidewalk a couple of days ago.....

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Terror in the night....and daytime too.


CIV 536 967
11 messages

Haviva von Martinitz <>Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 1:28 AM

Honorable Judge Chou         September 23, 2019     

San Mateo Superior Court

Redwood City, CA

RE: CIV 536 961



Case No 

File Date 

Petrovich Cheryl Jan




Dear Honorable Judge Chou:

1). I only discovered this criminal case by chance, when a friend told me to look at the case website from another direction. It is a warrant for my arrest for a false contempt charge to a false restraining order.

2). I was completely shocked. Since that time, I have been 

having terrible MS symptoms and feel awful. My head pounds and I am nauseated and dizzy. I am at a loss. I had a doctor's appointment for diabetic retinopathy. I have been also losing my balance. My head has been hurting so much I am worried I may have a stroke.

3). I would respectfully ask that the criminal matter be removed. I had no chance to explain. The court papers were sent to my old address, which was a surprise since a couple of years ago, or so, I called the court to give my new address, when they used my old address for a court hearing, which is strange, since I have lived here for 3 years now and Kaiser attorney, Mike Guasco has had my correct address early on and has even sent a process server, Joe Curtin here twice now. No other legal communication was sent to me. Mr. Guasco has my email address and I would have thought he would have at least contacted me about this matter at some point. 

4). Judge Chou, as you know, an invalid restraining order cannot carry contempt charges. The initial restraining order had many anomalies, including forgeries and untrue statements in it, but to be succinct, I will at this time, concentrate upon the extension. I will show that the extension was invalid due to forgery, false evidence, no discovery and the Plaintiff was not present, when Mr. Guasco marked on the paperwork that Dr. Lukaszewicz had in fact been there. My adult son, Daniel Petrovich was present and stated that no plaintiff was in the Court July 12th 2018 at neither 9:00 A.M. or later, when the trial was moved to the 8th floor courtroom. 

5). Mr. Guasco’s actions seem to indicate that there was intentional deception to the court on his part regarding the extension. It makes one wonder if Dr. Lukaszewicz even knew about the extension being requested by Mr. Guasco at all, or even wanted it. 

6). Outside the courtroom, Mr. Guasco lunged at me and screamed in my face and ran off. I wanted to respond to what he screamed at me, leaving a handicapped senior with MS to run after him. That action on the part of Mr. Guasco lacked decorum, or any proper polite attitude, especially since he knew full well about my health issues.

7). I would respectfully request that the extension be dropped at this time. There is no indication that Dr. Lukaszewicz wanted any part of it (or even the central R.O. for many of the same reasons I cite for the extension.) I have not spoken to Dr. Lukaszewicz directly since October 9, 2015, when I dropped him as my doctor after he asked me if we might become friends, which requires time apart. (Usually 3 months-6 months.) He came to my surgery at Kaiser South San Francisco at my request late in December 2015 to keep me safe and free from worry. I left him a voicemail message using a number given to me by Patient Relation’s manager, Bertha Ponse, but it was not real; it was a trap message line, that Dr. Lukaszewicz did not use. I called thanking him and approximately a week and a half later I was served a TRO, in which they cited things that could have only happened 97 days prior, or more (since I dropped him as my doctor at that time) it was for gifts I gave him, for which he thanked me and kept. 

8). In the courtroom of Judge Novak, Dr. Lukaszewicz called my gifts “very nice and expensive.” He looked right at me and kindly said my name and then complimented my gifts. He was not upset with me, or my gifts, in fact, he completely destroyed the basic premise of the entire restraining order, but he was ignored and was never brought back to court with me present. 

9). He was present the day I arrived late, but only his name was on the case readout. Judge Novak asked how I knew to be there. I said said a clerk told me. Then, I realized I really was not supposed to have been there. I was told that “somehow” the notice was sent to (again) my old address and I only heard about it when I called the court and a clerk asked me if I knew I was supposed to be in court the next day at 9 A.M. I did not. I left home from Mendocino County at 4:30 A.M., but due to heavy traffic and road work, I did not arrive to court until 11:00 A.M. I spoke with Judge Novak who spoke to me about my fine and community service. I had tried to ask the court about how one goes about paying the court, but I was told that my case did not warrant payment, or community service, since it was a civil matter. I relayed the information to Judge Novak, but she told me to “pay it anyway.”  I think she called down to the Clerk’s Office and then they accepted a payment of $100.00 and she also waived the community service. 

10). It is interesting that Mr. Guasco has trouble with getting the correct addresses on his forms. His paperwork to me told me to mail it back to an address in Sacramento, but I ignored it. Amazing how wrong addresses can cause so much harm. I would hate to think he does it on purpose, but it would certainly be an effective way to garner an arrest warrant for the Defendant. I don’t suppose someone who lies in court documents and uses forgeries would stoop that low, right?

11). I would respectfully ask that due to the Plaintiff’s forged signature on the extension documents, false evidence and no sharing of the evidence for me to refute (Discovery) no statement from the Plaintiff and the false addition of checking the box on the paperwork saying that the Plaintiff was in the Courtroom, when he was not, that the extension be dropped. It could only be construed as deliberate fraud on the part of Mr. Guasco and abuse of Court!

12). Mr. Guasco should be tried for purposely manufacturing a false and terrorizing restraining order case against me! I request that the DA brings charges up against attorney Michael C. Guasco for filing and falsifying court documents, tampering with my experts, filing false evidence and intentionally harming and abusing a senior citizen who had no one to help defend her! He smeared my name and made it impossible for me to find legal help! He should be charged with the maximum penalty for this heinous crime! I have been brutalized and suffer each day for his intentional legal harm to me! He harms many other innocent people too! It needs to STOP!

13). 1.1. Legal orders

Penal Code 166 section (a)(4) specifically condemns "Willful disobedience of the terms as written of any process or court order or out-of-state court order, lawfully issued by any court, including orders pending trial."

The word "lawfully" was not inadvertently placed in the writing...its use was intentional. As California courts have noted, "an order of contempt cannot stand if the underlying order is invalid."

And as Newport Beach criminal defense attorney John Murray9 explains, "Unlike many other states...California not only allows a person who is affected by an unlawful order to challenge the order's validity while he/she nevertheless complies with the order but also allows an individual to disobey the order and raise his/her concerns at the time when the court attempts to punish that disobedience."

 14). Mr. Guasco had his own personal agenda where this R.O. was concerned. Please see the evidence and act accordingly and drop this false extension. It is what is called for in this instance. 

Thank you.


Cheryl Petrovich              

P.O. Box 120

Gualala, CA 95445

CC: DA’s Office & Inspectors, 

Public Officials, SSF PD, etc.

Cheryl Petrovich

Haviva von Martinitz <>Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 1:56 AM
To: Jeff Lusk <>
Hi Jeff!
Hope you are well!
[Quoted text hidden]
Cheryl Petrovich

Jeff Lusk <>Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 3:13 PM
To: Haviva von Martinitz <>
I'm not sure I understand whats happening to your case here...?  

I apologize for intermittent responses we're having some major probs with connectivity here and another case outside kaiser.  After Kaiser allowed my ex (Kaiser employee Fran Lager) unauthorized access to my son and issued those medical referral checks to her allowing her to steal the $11,000 from a disabled patient (Tyler), she went on to deceive USBC and later Martinez Family Court into issi=uing an invalid writ of possession.  Her lawyers then convinced the CCC Sheriff's Office there were armed and dangerous squatters living in Lagers house that had threatened her life pointing a gun at her.  The sheriff's office did not even know who owned the property (me) before dispatching 15 heavily armed men who stormed into my home.  Tyer was dragged crippled and brain-injured from his hospital bed going into shock and dragged onto the front lawn where he suffered a seizure surrounded by men pointing shotguns at him. 
and had to be rushed to emergency and rehospitalized. 

That's the part I've been dealing with and it ws all done to cover the transfer o all my money into an undisclosed Patelco account while I was in Denver getting him treated for his brain-injury.  I was trained there was a much-planned recovery that was to begin upon our arrival home.  MY ex was participating sitting in on conference calls with rehab teams and myself in Denver claiming she was making minor modifications to accommodate Ty's wheelchair. She was lying to everyone.  She was using the money to re-landscape the front lawn for curb appeal preparing the home to be sold.   When we arrived home to find all the furniture gone and the accounts reading zero i was stunned. 

They planned to leave Tyler nowhere to go except back to the nursing home I'd fought so hard to get him out of when I took him to Denver. They wer trying to cancel the entire recovery effort  Tyler will have the scars on his back from the bedsores he got in that place for life.  He wasn't going back there while I was still breathing. No matter what. 

Kaiser delivered a hospital bed and a Hoyer lift, I got an army cot from my neighbor and we both slept in the empty dining room together because Tyler still could not speak and needed to be able to reach me if he woke up during the night.  A brain injury is a terrible thing to recover from and Tyler would wake up in the noght sacared to death.   

We had another miracle when I secured an insurance settlement for Tyler's crash (uninsured motorist), and began hiring the private therapists to supplement kaisers inadequate coverage.  Example, Kaiser provided only 3 hours of speech therapy a month. With his private therapist, Tyler was getting more than that in a single day. Just like that, we were back in business.   The home recovery began only slightly behind schedule.  

 I fought them off and got almost a year of the planned 3-year recovery in before they wrecked everything and put Tyler back in the hospital.  

The point and what I'm doing in court now abut the siezure of our home and te injuries sustained by my son when CC County threw a lawful homeowner and my severely disabled son out of our own home and wrecking Tyler's recovery to help the Lagers keep that stolen money concealed.   There were some questions posed about whether the recovery was working or not.  I provided the attached to show them it was working!

The FBI is finally involved and when they come to the house this week I'm going to take the opportunity to point them right at Kaiser and B/C and their BS restraining orders against innocent people.  

Can I give them your name and contact information? 

2 attachments

Jeff Lusk <>Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 3:14 PM
To: Haviva von Martinitz <>
What's the bottom line on them trying to put you in jail again?
[Quoted text hidden]

Haviva von Martinitz <>Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 10:26 PM
To: Jeff Lusk <>
Yes. I think Guasco wants me to be put in jail and most likely prison. He had a contempt charge against me (I guess it was he?) but they sent the papers to my old address which generated a warrant for my arrest. I changed my address with the court at least 2 years ago and Guasco has sent a process server to my house twice. He just wanted it to get old and for me to suddenly get arrested and thrown into jail. No one listens to my evidence. It is bizarre! Guasco has been paid by my doctor's domestic partner to keep me restrained. He is so desperate to earn that money. I am sure the court has been paid too.  There is no real law in my case, nor yours. I am going to FORCE them to make a decision: either drop the case, or give me an attorney to fight the thing. As soon as the attorney looks at my case and picks up his/her jaw from the floor, my case will be over. What I want to do is use your case as corroboration that it is Guasco's M.O. and get yours dropped too....and both of us get reparations for suffering. Maybe we can get Guasco put in prison. He wrote an email saying how happy he was to put me in jail...I hope he eats his words and is made Bubba's BITCH!
I feel like I have the upper hand right now. Either the DA gives me an attorney, or he drops the case. That will open it up to drop yours too. I was told by a police officer that if I get an attorney from the Pvt. Defender Prog, who is not helping me, I can ask for another and another.....

I will fight this like a hungry lion!

I will read your email now.
[Quoted text hidden]
Cheryl Petrovich

Haviva von Martinitz <>Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 1:50 AM
To: Jeff Lusk <>
It is the strangest thing, I cannot find your longer email! Would you resend it?
[Quoted text hidden]

Jeff Lusk <>Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 3:01 PM
To: Haviva von Martinitz <>
Ending to the old address is definitely just a dirty trick.  

They do a lot of that. 

Be careful!      
[Quoted text hidden]

Haviva von Martinitz <>Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 3:11 PM
To: Jeff Lusk <>
I have got them cornered. They need to decide which way they are going to let me off....and I am going to get yours taken down in the process too, or I will die trying. C
[Quoted text hidden]
Cheryl Petrovich

Jeff Lusk <>Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 3:30 PM
To: Haviva von Martinitz <>
Just be careful.  I think Buti Curliano does a lot of this to people and they want to impress their handlers at Kaiser.  Kaiser chose them because the lawyers at B/C they are highly unethical and many of them like Guasco are immoral.  And don't ever forget, they are a fairly good-sized law firm getting paid by Kaiser to do one thing, to screw you.  They don' get a pat on the head unless that do that.

In your case have you ever seen the name of a single one of Kiser's attornies names on a court filing?  It's always one of B/C's lawyers, never once a full time Kaiser attorney on thir payroll in my case.  Kaiser has oer 300 lawyers none of whom want their names associated with what B/C does to people like you and me.     They know what they're doing is illegal and never want their names associated with any of it.   They're all too cowardly to show their face in a courtroom.  
[Quoted text hidden]

Haviva von Martinitz <>Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 4:02 PM
To: Jeff Lusk <>
I think they use an attorney for awhile, then they move on, except Guasco. I saw Guasco on FB and blocked him. It looked like a staged page with pics of him with his girlfriend and charitable donations. Purely for show. The pics of him were done in July of 2018, probably right after he hit me with a 2 year extension based in false evidence that he never shared. No discovery. Forgeries and lies. No statement from my doctor saying why he would want it extended. Even the Judge's signature looked forged (I've seen the psychiatrist's signature and it looks similar). If I get an attorney, I will ask him to get a verified signature of the judge's and have it analyzed by an expert. Guasco got into my personal life too. He must have said ugly things to my HOA, since they have treated me like shit since I got here and hit me with all kinds of absurd, faux violations. It was terrorizing, but made it through. Do you think that if there is a trial, you would be my witness? I think it would help your case too. You know, they have cameras that look like pens....not expensive either. I missed out on your email. I looked and looked for it. I didn't think of the delete area, but I didn't delete it...? You could get a pic of the "Plaintiff" in your case and compare it to the real person. She may not even know what is being done in her name. I keep telling Kaiser to get rid of that law firm. Somehow, I think B/C have Kaiser over a barrel somehow. (Mafia style) I think I mentioned that Mark Zemelman was getting REALLY upset when I spoke with him a few years ago. He was screaming and crying....weird, huh?
I told the DA's office that I was not going to turn myself in to the police dept, but I would meet with them. (The DA's office) Warrants aren't supposed to "go away", so I am going to take full advantage of it and get a free private defender. If it seems he is not helping me, he's gone, and I get another! I had not known that. I will send you what I wrote to them, if I didn't already. The Shouse law firm website is very helpful with R.O. information. Check it out. I think some could pertain to your case. We need to spread about this unethical law firm far and wide. 

So, I have clear, unarguable evidence that the extension is bogus. There is NOTHING in it that is real. It is the same for the initial R.O./TRO too, but it is more complicated, so I figure the extension will do it too and show Guasco's M.O. (For yours too) Attorney John Busman does Attorney Moira Hoagan. They can be witnesses.  But, the DA is already basically under scrutiny, so I asked if it would really be good for the DA's reputation if he prosecuted a senior widow, cancer survivor with MS, who had proof that the extension was a fraud, and wasted County money to do it? I said it would make the DA look vindictive and a fool. So, now I wait.
I hope you are well.
[Quoted text hidden]
Cheryl Petrovich

Haviva von Martinitz <>Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 4:15 PM
To: Jeff Lusk <>
I have already had bad feelings about this new attorney from the Pvt. Def. Prog.. I called him for the first time and he sounded angry and unreasonable. He told me to call him in, "TWO HOURS! TWO HOURS!" So, I called him in "TWO HOURS" but no answer. I called back a 1/2 hour later, still no answer, no call back.
I WILL ask the the Private Defender Program for another, if necessary. Bad omen for the start, huh?
Be well!
[Quoted text hidden]
Cheryl Petrovich


 The more I write about you and how much you have suffered, my ache grows more painful and my heart beats harder.  I feel like holding you so much.

Your eternal beauty stuns me.

Ls and Ts

 I have been wanting to write another poem for you, but this court thing has me topsy-turvy. 

Screw the liars and tormentors! Do what you want and be free! 



Email to Judge and Attorney

 Mr. Guasco,

You know that with your lies and forgeries and the attacks on me and falsely putting me in jail and harming a handicapped senior, false evidence and your spy tactics, I have you dead to rights as guilty of committing crimes against me in the guise of valid law, then hobbling me with attorneys that were not mine, but on your payroll. 

You frightened me, yelled in my face and ran away. You made me confused about why the law, which usually is my comfort and protection, was no longer my friend. You hijacked it and twisted it into an evil stranger. It needs to be allowed to be free to once more find its true calling: being the hope of the downtrodden and the bullied and defenseless. 

You subverted law to bend it to your will by using dirty tricks and weakness of others to make law and Justice disappear, but find a terrible mutation remaining in its place. You made your own version of law that helps only you, no one else. It erodes the basic tenets of this country! It is in danger, don't add to the abuse! It has made me so angry to see you turn the court into your own circus, because it is an INSULT TO MY COUNTRY TOO!  


You have racked up many prison points. That hurts my heart, because you are too young to completely screw up your young life. As I said, I am a mother and I hate all this negativity.

Drop this false case against me and at court, apologise to me and give me and the judge a letter saying that you swear an oath to the court that you will never take a case to harm another person with a false TRO, R.O. or false contempt charge against an innocent person again. Plus, you hurt me so badly for 5 years, for your own monetary gain, that now I have a breast cancer diagnosis and worse MS. I would ask that in return, you donate $5,000 to the Bidon campaign and volunteer legal help for environmental and handicapped causes for 5 years. That is little enough to ask after all the terrors, despair, jailing, humiliation, health compromising situations you caused. Stop this false TRO and never do it ANYONE! Confess to the judge and stipulate to my conditions. You could be disbarred, go to prison and pay hefty fines, then I will get an attorney who will sue you AND Kaiser for all you have done to me with their blessing! Plus, your shadow client, Dr. Moayeri, will be sued for her part in this and she needs mental therapy. If there are DA cases, they will be a separate issue. 
Repent and seek redemption for the horrors you have caused to so many innocent, vulnerable people! It is the only way you can escape so many bundled penalties for your many criminal deeds. Don't compromise, or lie to the Court again; it is your family. If the judge agrees to it, he (Judge Karesh) could work out the fine points. Also apologise to the judge for your insults and disrespect to the Court; it does not deserve to be denigrated as you have done to it. It is the heart of our country. Respect it. 

If I get no reply in the positive, then no holds barred. I have tried to compromise with you even though I am suffering and could even die from your callous and criminal behavior, but I have felt compelled to take pity on you due to your youth. You have obviously had a neglected childhood and that also tugs at my heart. 

Therapy would be a strong requirement for you as well as doctor Moayeri, she obviously has strong problems with control and abuse issues. Dr. Lukaszewicz deserves love and respect and with your terrible treatment of him, by putting him through this cruel charade, just so Dr. Moayeri can keep him on a leash and as prisoner, is just DISGUSTING! You wanted us to hate each other,when we did not! She is terrified to allow him his freedom, obviously to keep his income! She does not even treat him like a partner, or a loved one!  He called me when he was frightened, when he was sad and when he wanted to know if I needed a call to lift me up. He did so many beautiful things for me and needed no fanfare, I just managed to find out later! 

Then, when he came to my surgery to keep me safe,that was the last straw for Dr. Moayeri, she got the freebie Kaiser attorney and put Dr. Lukaszewicz in a tough spot by putting his name on a TRO and whining to Kaiser to keep her happy, so they did nothing when I sent my many complaints! This is revolting! Kaiser needs to stop letting you hurt their patients they are innocent victims! Stop making their lives Hell, just as you have made mine for 5 long years! I know the terrible things you have done! You have been a monster, then you gloat and tell them that, they "brought it on themselves!" Does that cruel comment lessen the guilt that flies transiently through your maniacal mind?

I would also ask that you unsmear my name from everyone and every entity to whom you destroyed my name. That was the lowest blow. My reputation and dignity are all I have. I am not a wealthy person, but I care about how people look at me. I have always been kind to others and tried to help them. You made me feel like the slime you have been. I resent it. My family resents it. The ancestors I revere resent it. You took away so much when you spread lies about me!

If you do not want to do better for yourself, then go ahead and turn down my last offer. But, be aware that my kindness meter runs out at that time. There is so much ruthlessness and attacks on humanity in the country, stop adding to it!

Stay safe, take vit D.

Cheryl Petrovich

cc: Honorable Judge Karesh
Show quoted text


You showed me such caring and respect. I want to show my gratitude and love to you. My feeling have only grown over the years. I promise to always keep you safe and always feel loved, if I should be blessed to have the chance.


 I always admired your gracefulness. I said it would a dancer to shame.


I could never have written so many poems for anyone else. (Probably not even one.) Good,nor bad, they came from love and grief.

Beatles for Sale

I have rediscovered Beatles. That album is romantic and emotional. It hits me in my emotional zone. It may be actually a confluence of the album's. But I did not appreciate them as much as a child as now

A while new world. 


Oatmeal, raisins and cinnamon sounds good for my late afternoon breakfast! No milk, so plain yogurt will do.

My phone is so difficult to use for writing. It puts in wrong punctuation, takes out words, scrambles them up, etc.

Hope your day is good. Hugs!


Life should not be so difficult. It should be as full of caring and love as possible. It feels like you are supposed to be a robot, not the warm, kind, sentient person that you are. Don't let them rob you of that.

All that matters....

During my work, reading old emails was so sad,some of the harsh emails. I think they could have been from MP hacking, but I was so frustrated because of not being able to talk directly to you much of the time. I thought I was being so good, by ignoring you. I should not have been there at the conf., I guess but I really did want to hear KH speak. I was lucky to have her sit next to me and give me a small exam. I just couldn't be normal around you. I was so nervous from my emotions. Then, when I got home, MP called me a stalker. She didn't care that I had been told about the conference and that it was my health issue. I told myself I was going to leave a wide path, but I guess that was impossible. That doctor from Taiwan really wanted me to move there. I thought maybe I should do that, so I would not be in your way, but he did not contact me again. I think I would have been so sad, but this has been pretty awful anyway. It was too many people involved that caused the confusion.....but that is how they intended it to be. I did not know how to deal with my feelings. I was a mess. I am embarrassed, but I have never had such nice feelings before. I know I would do anything for you. It is amazing for me to know that truth. I ran away to this area to not be accused of false bad things. I never even saw the place before I moved here and bought it. I have been accused of so many things. I was made into a monster. All I was, was in love. I still am. If I am stiff acting, it is just my feeling shy and under the gun. I am really tired. I just enjoyed being around you so much. You were so kind, then they jumped in with ugliness. But in their part in it, they treated you badly and I felt so defensive for you. They infiltrated, not tried to help. They set off a nuclear blast, not peace, or honesty; it was all subversive and covert. It made me so worried for you, I was frantic. I see now, it was someone who feared losing you, but it did not feel like a fear of losing love. If they loved you, they would not have put you through this and they would have spoken to you, not put you through it all. I think it was made bad to keep you from ever being nice to anyone again. You seem like a commodity, not a beloved, adored partner. If they had been actually in love, they would not handled it the way they did. Then to get that scary doctor to terrorize me and call me selfish, and someone who takes what belongs to others, really made me feel like you are a piece of property, not a delight of the heart. It seems like they figured you could be bullied into submission forever. I hated that. You should be free and loved. No one should be treated that way, but you are so lovely and so loving, you should not be deprived of love and respect. I have so much of it to give you. I want to give, not take. You need to always feel as amazing as you are, not beaten down. They want me to be blamed and for you to hate me. They don't like love, because it creates loyalty and a tenacity to never let bad happen, but they used law to cripple, not help. All I know is that no matter what, if you needed me I would not let you down and you would only find love and respect from me. Be careful around them. Let truth be the the shining light; it will defeat them. Love is all that matters and they don't have it. 

After 5 AM!

 I had decided I wasn't going to work on the thing, but somehow I did anyway. I am panicking about the (ill)legal stuff. I also decided that I was not going to stay up late, but I did; it is after 5 AM! Having trouble relaxing.

All I want to do is grab your hand and run off and just savor being with you.

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Monday, February 29, 2016

Is Kaiser Hospital Pursuing Frivolous Restraining Orders Against its Patients?

In the past two weeks, I have personally encountered two separate people who have been served with very questionable restraining orders by Kaiser Hospitals.  Two isolated cases don't necessarily make a pattern, but they raise some questions.

A couple weeks ago, I successfully defended a young quadriplegic man against a nonsense "workplace violence" restraining order that Kaiser Hospital had filed on behalf of several nurses. The nurses unconvincingly claimed that they feared for their safety, and requested that the court intercede by evicting a paralyzed man from his hospital bed.  A judge declined to issue the order and my client was permitted to remain in the facility.  

A few days later, I spoke to an MS patient who claims that Kaiser obtained a bogus "civil harassment" restraining order against her.  I was not personally involved in her case, but she tells me that she was treated at Kaiser and that she had sent her doctor a "thank you" gift.  She denies engaging in any behavior that would constitute the basis for a restraining order and she was genuinely confused as to why her hospital would take such a course of action. Unfortunately, she failed to respond to the restraining order petition in a timely manner and the court entered a default judgement against her.

Are these two anecdotal cases indicative of a larger pattern?  Are Kaiser Hospitals abusing the restraining order process against their own patients?  I don't have enough information to make such a bold accusation right now, but it's something that I'm genuinely interested in learning more about. 

If you or a loved one has been served with a restraining order by Kaiser Hospitals, call us for a free consultation.  (714) 449-3335.  

Our office has extensive experience in defending against restraining order petitions in all Southern California courts.  If we can successfully show that Kaiser is abusing the process by pursuing frivolous restraining orders against its own patients, you may be entitled to compensation.   

Thanks for reading.  


I Will be thinking of always! You make the day more lovely!

No one

 I am so tired of this crap. I cannot imagine it ever happening to anyone else.

Friday, August 28, 2020


I have been so tired today. I guess I will go to sleep early (for me). I saw a snake slither across my path; I nearly screamed, but managed to stop myself. It was just a garter snake. Something a bit out of the ordinary. I used to see big fat rattle snakes where I used to live in the desert. 


 Please be there, okay?


It is cold and foggy today. It is the kind of day that makes one want to snuggle in a cozy warm bed and sip hot chocolate with a drop of brandy, or a cup of herbal tea and enjoy a croissant with unsalted butter and a bit of strawberry preserves. Then......  


I hope you have a lovely weekend!

You are loved!

Innocent people

 I hate all the violence and ugliness in the country. I just want peace and love and happiness. Why do people have to put their anger against innocent people?


 I want to know you forever. 


 Sleep well, sweet one!


 You must live your idea of life, not that of a cruel narcissist.


I waspsuppose that you got my subtle hint that I love you?


 My sweet dreams all include you.

Thursday, August 27, 2020



Month ago selfie
I always start regretting putting my face up for view.

Through it.

You lift me up. I could not have gotten through it all without the thoughts of you. 

My way

If I had my way, I would hug you for the longest time anyone ever saw.


I feel such an ache from missing you. Sometimes it starts with a stab in the heart, other times it comes like a flash of lightening. No one has ever made such an impact on my life and my heart. The anticipation of seeing you again takes my breath away. It is a thousand prayers answered and a blessing from invisible angels who helped me survive the incredibly difficult times. 


 This was in no way your legal stuff. you would never do this to me.

Too much

 How awful that that poor man was shot 7 times! One would have hoped the other deaths would have had an impact on the racist thinking, but this has set it back.


 I cannot take another fake out by the attorney. I thought you would be there for the extension. It was a farce. I was run all over. Nothing in it was real. The attorney is going at it for that woman. If she could back off the issue and let you to do what you want, it could help her, but then again she seems like a monster and doesn't deserve it. I offered so many times to hold harmless, but no acceptance. Now, it has been so long and that recent attack by Dr. Moon shows that woman has not changed a bit. I have struggled with emotions for a very long time. It has not been easy. Did she even try to be nice to you? I have been suffering so much, because I hate confrontation. I guess it is why the stress got to me so hard. 

I just want to forget the crap. I want to only to be near you and know you.  I have been longing for it. 


 I would like to understand Leptin in regard to weight and maybe use it to lose weight. Dr. Lustig makes sense. I just think there is something very wrong...out of whack with me. It seems that exercise was essential, plus eating well, but very little. I don't do the shopping and don't always get what I want. When I get back out,I will do more shopping I will get more fresh. Weird that even being near the ocean, fish is outrageously expensive here. Usually a long trip away to Safeway makes better foods more affordable. One fresh veggie that I can easily get and I do, but I just hate the plastic container. I like to be the guinea pig for change. I look at everything as a chance to find answers that can help others.

Metabolic syndrome.


 Dr. Lustig's (UCSF)

talks are fascinating as well as very important. I am very aware of foods that contain high fructose corn syrup. I believe the lack of exercise on my part has been harsh.  Having no access to fast food has been good, but I had already been at a pretty low level on that front. It is too bad all this happened, because I was on a path with amazing results. I remember when you spoke about muscle and fat in regard to BMI. Scales do not tell the entire story. Dr. Lustig said that doctors who base weight on health are commiting malpractice. I think he is realistic and intelligent on the subject of weight.

Leptin.  I just wanted to keep that as a subject to look into further.


 I know I say to you to tell the truth, but if you know you could be harmed, caution must taken. I just think that it needs to be a case of abrupt change, or there is a chance of going along forever. The people we are dealing with are extremely opportunistic and look for any opening to wedge themselves into. I want you to be safe and live the life that makes you happy.


 If the K people were actually honest about my having breast cancer, then perhaps what I took as a combination with their med, got rid of it fast! This could be a very interesting study! Wow if that is true, that could help others too!


 I was able to get a suite to be able to stay overnight before the date down there. The hotels must be hurting, because it was even less than a normal room. I still have a driver, since they still won't renew my driver license! I keep sending them the money they want, but they just sent everything back and said I must go to an office. I told them that would be too dangerous for my health. Seems like everything runs"between a rock and a hard place." It is something that Attorney did, it must be so. He and his mob come up with the most cruel, f'd up stuff! I wish you would stay away from them to be safe. I am seriously worried for you. They have done so much evil. A happy person is not a caged person! Be alert! Get away and be strong! No place of business should condone this! It should be something that should be like a Congressional hearing! You have become a commodity, not a human being. I love you so much that I want you free to live how you want. If I can fill a roll of happiness for you, then my life will be complete. I can see that someone might hope you would stay in their life, because you are so wonderful, but it seems like they are all just using you for their happiness and do not give back. That can kill someone. I only want your happiness, it seriously makes me feel so damn good! 

Scrambled mess (◍•ᴗ•◍)

 I was up until around 4AM writing court stuff.  I was so tired, but so determined. I am frightened though, that someone will try and harm you.  Who would have ever thought that someone would take such a strange route to hold on to someone? I mean, isn't the basis of a relationship communication? How bizarre to get one's desires told through some twisted, opportunist attorney. If they do not have normal communication directly, there IS NO RELATIONSHIP! People need to speak to each other for God's sake! I could not live without it. I had to write during this time and express myself, I was hurting so much. I was so sad to lose you in my life. At one point, during the initial ugliness I felt like I was trying to keep myself from drowning. It was such a panic at times. I feel like I am reliving it by having to look at the papers. I get tense and cry and feel embarrassed. Then I have to remind myself that I am not a bad person and did not cause this, really. I never thought anyone would freak out by a few gifts. But I did realize that seeing you happy was the part I loved seeing. I was addicted to your happiness. I still am. I am so thrilled to think of your smile directed at me. It scrambled my brain and left me a helpless mess.  I was so in love. It has lasted, even with you gone.