Thursday, August 1, 2019

1 message

Haviva von Martinitz <>Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 9:35 PM
To:,, jwade <>, Richard Decker <>, PD Russ Felker <>

To Those in Authority:

I am a victim of Mike Guasco and Marija M. Petrovic and frankly, so are the rest of you. 

Anytime lawlessness abounds, we are all victims. Just because you did not suffer the infliction of pain, despair, torment, fear, humiliation and mental manipulation as did I (and I assume from what I only witnessed in part, but Dr. Lukaszewicz did suffer much of it as well.) It affects us all in the end, when a breakdown of rules that protect us is created, by unethical people with predatory minds and criminal behavior.

Their actions broke down the social barriers between lawful and lawless, which chips away at the very fabric of decent society. It needs to be excised, not rewarded, lest it continue and grow to a uncontrollable degree. Then criminal behavior will become the standard, not an anomaly. End it before it grows into the standard.

They muddied the waters with their own desires and then they beat me up for their own pleasure and in hopes that I would either die, or somehow be too intimidated to stand up for myself. 

This has been abjectly criminal. Mike Guasco has spread stories around about me and managed to get me neutralized, so that I could not get an attorney and the people in authority brushed me off. I was terribly abused and no one cares. Why? 

Marija M. Petrovic was brought back to Kaiser specifically to get rid of me, who hired her? 

Comprehensive Psychiatric services said she was called and given an opportunity to work at Kaiser. Who called? Who hired her? Those answers will find the answer to who it was who brought Marija M. Petrovic back to Kaiser and who immediately began to attack me and terrorize me. 

She disrupted the operation and reputation and dignity of Kaiser SSF. She put Dr. Lukaszewicz, a highly regarded doctor, in a difficult position and treated him like a puppet! It was degrading! I would have to be a completely insensate individual to have not noticed it. Marija M. Petrovic was allowed to infiltrate that entire facility and gather helpers for her foul plans of attack. She is not a normal psychiatrist. She behaves like a spy.

I made several complaints about the way I was treated! There was NOTHING in response! That is wrong on the part of Kaiser! Now, that it has been exposed, you have a moral obligation to reverse and stop the flow of poison that flooded into Kaiser SSF with the presence of Marija M. Petrovic and Mike C. Guasco and their disgusting and reprehensible plans that were not only brutal, but illegal. 

It is my belief that they were guns for hire and it would not take a stretch of the imagination to figure out who it was who felt the most threatened, by irrational fear of potential loss and who had the arrogance, motivation, power and money to have it carried out. 

No one has the right to make an adult human being dance to their tune, by hiring goons to keep them as their prisoner. Kaiser should know better than to allow that, thereby catering to an unreasonable person.

I have many times asked to have this mediated, I was immediately shut down by Mike Guasco. He was not looking for compromise, reason, or understanding, he was looking to please someone by keeping me hidden away as if I were a plague infected individual! He did not care about anyone else, he wanted to cater to the desires of one person. 

Guasco and Marija M. Petrovic put Dr. Lukaszewicz in an untenable position. Dr. Lukaszewicz is an honorable, loyal, upstanding person, who loves his work and he is dedicated to his responsibilities! It is just too bad that his place of business and possibly someone in his personal life, don't believe him, or respect him enough to be assured that he would automatically do the right thing.

I am disgusted by the way he has been treated and his work disrupted with this abomination. Kaiser should be angry! This has been a private enterprise with a few benefiting from the twisted, unreasonable fear of their client, but many others were commanded to participate. 

Guasco and Petrovic should have dissuaded that person from an unwise plan, but instead they fed the bad idea with attacks against innocent people. They behaved in the manner of predators.That is not reasonable, or rational. 

It is my contention that Marija M. Petrovic and Mike Guasco took advantage of an emotional situation and fanned the flames. They did it for reason of greed and the thanks of someone in a position of power within Kaiser. They used a large variety of the Kaiser staff and contracted employees, with at least two who were apparently given permanent jobs as payment for their underhanded deeds to facilitate their plan.

The attacks against me came much before any legal matter, or idea of friendship with my doctor ever saw the light of day. I was attacked right after Marija M. Petrovic came back to Kaiser again (May, 2015). That was the primary focus of her hire and it has escalated from there with illegal restraint and free for all abuse against me and the disrespectful manner in which Dr. Lukaszewicz was treated. 

It has not only been a nightmare for me, but it cannot have been an easy time for him. They took advantage of a kind, sensitive, upstanding, highly educated individual and made him a source of their own twisted plans that are undoubtedly bathed in greed as their motivation. 

This has been disgusting, predatory and a great source of worry, since I knew that because my treatment has been without even a trace of regard to my safety, that they could be as dangerously unconcerned for Dr. Lukaszewicz's safety as well. Not only was his safety on attack, he was treated like a second class citizen, and they also stole his identity each and every time they took away his civil rights by forging his signature on legal documents. That was reprehensible CRIMINAL behavior!

I will pledge my support to Kaiser to help clean up this mess. I want the light of TRUTH to shine and end the darkness of terror and shameful behavior! I believe it needs to be eradicated and begin anew with reason and a respect for the dignity of all human beings. But that cannot be accomplished with the same base that got us in this mire in the first place. People with a predatory attitude and a disrespect for the law and human life belong nowhere in a healthcare facility, they belong in jail. There is no such thing as legally sanctioned abuse and torment. 

Just because they have been clever enough to fool people with their lies and smearing of the names of innocent people thus far, does not mean that it cannot now be remedied. Stop the flood of their poison into a medical facility that should have the right to run on it's own merits, not as a covert operation, where anyone could be at risk. 

This operation should have been investigated with my first complaint, because as a cancer, it has reached a critical stage....stage three. Let's end this now, before it has become terminal. 

Please, end the restraining order for me and for Dr. Lukaszewicz as well. I have said before, I would abide by his wishes. I trust him, I respect him. I would never denigrate him as he has been during this insanity! 

Counsel the person who wanted this to be done, and get rid of those who carried out the plan. Buty & Curliano knew what criminal behavior Guasco was doing, they put their "client" into serious legal danger, that is not what anyone should want from their law firm. There is no loyalty amongst criminals; they are out for themselves....PERIOD! 

Have a meeting with myself and Dr. Lukaszewicz and if he agrees, Inspector Richard Decker included. He strikes me as someone with compassion and founded in the "reasonable man" ethic that is the cornerstone of law. 

Please don't ignore this offer to make Kaiser a much safer place for patients. Guasco may have saved Kaiser somewhat financially with his preemptive strikes, but what he does is an affront to decency and law. He places Kaiser in a perilous position each time he gambles with the lives of others. He is a risk taker who goes too far. It sounds like an addiction. One time I told him that he gambles even with the safety of his own clients.

He put Dr. Lukaszewicz's name on that illegal paperwork, not caring that his "client" could be held legally responsible for the illegal acts of Guasco.  From what I have seen, Guasco cares about himself, no one else. You would not want to rely on him to have your back, because before you knew it, you will notice a knife sticking out of it. Marija Petrovic is someone who is cruel to the point of wanting to absolutely crush her opponent in ANY sense of the word. I believe she is dangerous. I know, having been on the attack end of her terrorism.

You truly need to apologise to Dr. Lukaszewicz for this debacle. He did nothing wrong, unless you call a devoted, caring heart and nature, wrong. Not me. I do admire, respect and care about Dr. Lukaszewicz and I have been frightened for his safety this entire time, because of the criminal and predatory nature of those conducting this abysmal poisonous piece of drama! 

Please end it now. It is harmful and indecent. Stop it and work with me, that is the better plan than ignoring the bad and allowing a toxic status quo to fester and go out of control. More innocent people could be harmed. I think Kaiser made the wisest move by hiring Dr. Lukaszewicz, his knowledge and dedication are the rarest of commodities and his compassion is beyond compare. Treat him like the rare gem that he is. 
Guasco and Petrovic tarnish and destroy what they touch.

Redemption is possible! Please begin by releasing me (us) from a brutal, harmful lie! End the false restraining order now.
Thank you.


Cheryl Petrovich


  1. I need for this to be resolved; I cannot live with this terrible feeling. It is wrong to torment people.I get so emotional. It has been awful. It is so strange that people act like people are made of stone and do not suffer. It needs to STOP!

  2. I will always love you, even if bad people make you hurt my feelings; just let me free you, okay?

  3. I am hoping that if there is the security of my friend being able to speak freely w/o the fear of threat, then we can put an end to all of this. I keep wondering what motivates her; is it fear? Is it greed? Is it loneliness? Is it her strange take on love? Someone cannot love and abuse at the same time. I think that one thing is trying to reason with her, but she may be too far gone for that. The thought of keeping her out of trouble, should be at least a bit persuasive.I have been so scrambled up and I am in need of help. It is hard to deal with my own troubles and also worry about my priority, my friend's safety. I do not deserve to have a criminal record. He does not deserve to have his life curtailed and disturbed. This has been going on much too long. I want to keep my friend safe in one way and he keep me safe in another. I think we were meant to look out of each other. That has been my take on it all.It must have someone thing to do with my undying love for him.

  4. I appreciate the support. I truly do; even small things mean a lot. My financial card had trouble, so after going over things with some fraud person on the phone last night it was turned off and I was issued a new one. It will be some time to get a new one. It is good for me, so I stop using it so much. I was in a bad habit. I have gone through a lot. Sometime soon, I will get a new car; at least another hybrid. My other one will be paid off early this year. I am happy for that. I am trying to get this absurd legal thing fixed, we shall see. I really need the help of the other victim. I do not enjoy thinking I have a criminal record for doing nothing wrong, but treated like scum. Plus, I need to clean out the fridge, ugh! :-) Sending love!

  5. You still look gorgeous even after all this time! I wish that were my case! Could be "eye of the beholder" but I think you are just incredible. I wish I could see you. My heart grows fonder for you. Can you tell me what you want and need and we can do that? If you back me, I can do anything, but if not; I am sunk. I want you free, not as my wants, or heart desires, but as what YOU want I got a criminal record when I tried before, so pardon my "once burned, twice shy" attitude. I am someone who is so in love, it is amazing, but going to jail does not thrill any heart! It needs to be a team effort, or a solo brave heart jam on out the door! They could have you programmed to grab me to go to jail! What IS it those assholes want anyway?

  6. Maybe I am a fool, but I love you and will do anything for you.I think I know you and am different than other people and understand you better. Maybe I can be wrong, but I really feel I get you.

  7. I hope you are doing okay. It would be so nice to have you here right now. I could enjoy looking at sunsets off a balcony with you. Anything with you there would be amazing.

  8. Is life really supposed to be like this?
    It is one thing if someone doesn't want to see someone, but it is something much different for someone else to decide that someone else doesn't like them. It is taking all the power away from another person as if they had no right to direct their own life. It is slavery when a person does that to a grown, free adult.Are you not a free, grown adult? Why does she think she owns you? It very much seems like mental illness to me. That man should not be encouraging her sickness. She needs help to be better, not encourage her to be worse. That is taking advantage of someone who is weak and so is her employer.

  9. If you are freed, will you still remember me? I would hate to lose you.I would actually be devastated. You are amazing.You are the one. You have always been there for me; that is what I want for you too. You have my heart.

  10. I do adore you so much. I hope I can help, but unless you could be harmed, I cannot be shot down again, I would lose any trace of credibility; if I haven't already. It hurts my heart. My biggest thrill would be to be your heroine and give you freedom. Just remember, all you need to do is ask. You are loved.....very much.

  11. The DA needs to help! Otherwise, he is complicit!

  12. My son's birthday is tomorrow; wish I could go to dinner with him.....and you too!

  13. You do not deserve to be held captive by crazy, or criminal people! Next time you have a phone in your hand, call the police and tell them you demand help! Oh, and tell them if I call them to tell about you. to listen to me! Tell them I am NOT restrained by you! Tell them, I am trying to help you!

  14. Crazy people with gravitas. Damn! I have lived a good, honest life[ yet some people decide to take a dump on me and walk away without a care. I know they want me dead for my will, but screw them! I love you, not them! They can go to Hell! I will work my hardest to see them stopped.

  15. I love and adore you all to bits.

  16. I would want to marry you to keep you safe and because I love you that much.
