Monday, August 19, 2019

I was doing the best I could and still am. I was and to a degree, still am worried about you. If you had not sounded upset and showed me reasons to worry about you, then I might not have been so panicked, but all I knew is how your voice sounded and what I saw and my heart was broken and also in a panic ever since. My only thoughts have been to keep you safe and the cruel people away. If it was some kind of weird farce, how was I to know? You know I would walk through fire for you. I have not stopped my concern for you and my writing each day to keep you safe. I have no idea why some in authority laugh it off. Why did that horrible man and it seemed everyone else, scream at me? I was beaten and intimidated way before the legal stuff. The friend of your partner, or?
I suppose I have been played by them, but am I the only one? Are these things done to see if someone is serious? Whatever the reason, I was terrified for you and depressed myself. There was never a reason to hire someone like a psy to terrorize and humiliate and sadden me, but I think the ultimate reason was to end my life.  It makes me still worry, but I had only the Internet to use for your safety and I felt I needed to use real names, or no one would know of whom I was speaking. This has been a nightmare. All I EVER wanted was to see you happy and then to keep you safe.  Cruel tormentors who forge signatures and thumb their noses at the court are not your friends. If I was supposed to understand things that I did not, how? How was I supposed to see through it all? There were times I might have died and all those false psy diagnoses would have been used as a reason. Just, PLEASE, understand I have done everything with a pure heart, a clean conscience and a sincere devotion to keeping you safe. If this was all done to make someone feel better as an act of vengeance, I hope it did it for them....then take that person the nearest psychiatric hospital, because they are a dangerous narcissistic sociopath. My sympathy and my empathy goes out to them. They are worse off than I, because they have a disease of the mind, whereas I do not. There is a fine line and I am not a professional, but I think that they all know right from wrong. (they were betting their cruelty and terrible behavior would do me in.)
They are all bad people.   They were taking advantage of a nice idea and turned it into an opportunity to harm me....permanently and then.....?
I have no power in this situation; nothing is up to me what-so-ever; I am just the punching bag. They are horrible. Do what you desire, or need.
I support that which makes you happy.

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