Thursday, August 15, 2019

How am I supposed to know how to deal with things like this? People just did horrible things and I had/have to decide what to do. I have a lot of pressure to do the right thing, and all I can think about is keeping you safe. I am just one person with many attacking me! The worry is overwhelming, the emotions too. Never has the truth been told to me, just torment, taunting and threats. Bad people are involved and I am not fully certain how many. All I can do is deduce from what I know. I cannot just let it all go by unacted upon.
All I know is that the truth is never wrong. I did not start this weird thing. They took my honest intent and turned it ugly. They are horrible, desperate people and need to be exposed.

My fear and love won't let it go. Not if your safety could be at risk. People who dispense cruelty so easily to me, I am sure have no problem doing it to you too and you are much more important  to them. They want me to stay out of your life, so you can be owned.  I want you to live free and happy.

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