Saturday, August 10, 2019

Haviva von Martinitz

Aug 8, 2019, 10:56 AM (2 days ago)

to Richard
How does Kaiser get away with seeming to own their doctors and subverting
 the law, while all those in authority, just let them do it? Doesn't that make the entire 
system of Justice moot?  How can anyone break the law? Or is Justice really 
only for the wealthy? Could I see a current menu, because I would like to know 
what the going market price is for Justice. I have been abused dreadfully in 
the name of Justice; they (Kaiser) must have spent a bundle on me. But you 
know what? My wealthy, highly educated doctor is the one who is more prisoner 
than I. He was forced against his will to do this to me, because he went against 
the iron fist of Kaiser and dared to protect me, because I asked him to be at 
my surgery. Then he was punished under the guise of my having upset him for 
things I could have only done over 3 months prior. TROs should be for 
immediate danger, not for someone giving thank you gifts.  The only way they 
found out was because  I used the voice mail line (they set up) to thank him for 
being there. I was given the number by the manager of Patient Relations, 
Bertha Ponse. None of this against me holds water, but his courage got him 
slapped down and put behind a wall to remind him that he is a prisoner, and to 
cap it off, made him file a restraining order against me. It is like the way the 
Mafia hurts the people around you that you care about,  instead of going for 
you directly. It is worse torture. His every move is monitored. I am realising 
that Kaiser seems to be a very scary place. They seem use hitmen to get rid of 
"problem patients." They did it to me before a long time ago, but in a different 
way. It is like some scary horror movie unfolding. They seem to be hiding a lot. 
I just don't get why people in authority go along with their obvious abuse of the 
I was terrorized and no one bats an eye. I just read about a judge reprimanded 
for groping people, while much worse abuse was done to me by Judge Novak 
and everyone just covers it up. Why? Plus Kaiser let an insane acting 
"psychiatrist" be hired back to Kaiser to just do anything to me her twisted mind 
conjured up. It is like the movie "Coma", but with "Conspiracy Theory" mixed in 
and more. Kaiser has their own little society and the outsiders (me) and the 
insiders don't mix. Dr. L wanted to know me as a person nice to 
talk to.  It is their world and they say what their property can do. It appears that 
Freedom is not allowed. The world is burning up soon anyway, what is the point 
of anything? I just wanted to see him again and maybe give him a hug. 
My oncologist always hugged me, but they are probably allowed, because 
most of their patients are gonners. I was an anomaly. This torment is pay back, 
I guess.
Dr. L and I were never even slightly over the decorum line. But, it was such 
a nice friendship. He is fun to talk to. They will never let me off the false R.O. 
anyway, so it is a moot point....I believe Guasco got partner and a new 
house out of it; he should thank me, instead of yelling in my face. Slime ball 
pretty much fits him to 
a "T". 

Cheryl Petrovich