Thursday, August 8, 2019

I just feel like when people have lost control of their own lives, and live at the whim of other people, for doing no wrong, especially when those dictating the rules are criminals, then following what they tell us to do is just weak and subserviant. It is like the saying about rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic....
Why is my seeing your face again such a threat? This is absurd. Just do me the favor and do what you want. You should hold the cards. No one else. Don't let selfish people run your life. If my saying hello to you in person is such a big deal to you then you obviously do not like me and do not run your own life. When giving up your rights to terrible people is acceptable to you, then I guess I don't understand. None of this is reasonable, it is all one sided. There was good reason for me to worry about you. You let bad people control you. You are not a bad person who should live behind a wall. They want you to feel like a prisoner and you have accepted it. What is the worst that could happen if you said screw this, you don't own me? We have laws based on what  a "reasonable man" would think; none of this is reasonable. This is worse than fascism, because they have it set in a free world and make you believe it is reasonable, when clearly it is not. When that guard said that at that place "you have no civil rights here" he was telling the truth. They own you. You are no longer a free human being. You are their property, a robot. That should not be the way all that education and hard work ends up. I am here for you, but I don't understand it, nor like what is going on. It is Orwellian and scary.

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