Thursday, May 16, 2019

I enjoy waking up and thinking about you and wondering how your day is going (I wake late, since I go to sleep late). I always think how great it would be to work with you. I do admit that I get jealous thinking about the people who get to see you nearly each day. I know jealousy is an emotion that is not on the top rung of emotions, but certainly punishes the person who is imbued with it....may be a bit of a strong word, but it is more colorful than "full of it."
You know that I understand that you are a beautiful person, but like anyone there can be a cloud floating in occasionally and I don't hold it against anyone, especially you. One reason, is because I love you and another is because people are naturally affected by emotion. Even saints had bad days... I just don't want you to think I expect perfection. You were a snotball to me a few times, but I know ot was a part of a plan, plus you were probably told how to behave. I know who you are and I love you. I think the pressure was unfair and meant to show you in a bad light. If you understand someone you know what is real, or a blip. I have my "moments" of imperfection, but you have always cut me some slack, because you know me and you know it is an anomaly. When Charlie Smith could not understand how I could not blame you for what was happening to me, all I could think was that he had never loved someone or had true faith in someone. You are the one who gives me faith. That is the basic foundation from which I emanate. That will never tarnish. You have shown your goodness and your dedication.
You have my faith, trust and endless devotion. You have my love.

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