Friday, April 1, 2022


 I always land on the TV posts of people who are not only doing their own veggie growing, but in even more depth, canning and just living with their own everything! Some were even using all their own rainwater for everything! Those people are who I completely admire, but am not sure I could emulate. I think I have accomplished a lot if I make my own apple cider vinegar I do, though love having a garden for veggies and fruit. I am not the best gardener, but there are some vegs that are easier than others. I plant beans all over, because they are so easy, but loads of hungry slugs and snails eat them fast. I also throw potato skins to grow potatoes and they pop up in crazy places! I had a lot of them in Millbrae and I also threw my old potatoes out in the yard to grow more. I miss that house a lot; it has my great aunt and uncle's sweat and love in making the place. It was so sturdy that it did not move in earthquakes! My Gr. Uncle was an engineer, so he did a lot of everything on his own. That house was in my life from a small child. I put a lot of money into it, but the new owners practically razed it! Their design taste was severely lacking. I hate what they have done TO the house! Oh well!

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