Sunday, April 3, 2022


 Hi! How are you?

Do you ever see your children? They are old enough to know the truth about her and what she is doing to you. If I were they, I would want to know. In fact, I would be pissed, if I did not. I am sure she gives them an earful! She had to have been the one who had them drive by my house yelling out "bitch" and "ho!" in the very early morning hours. That was inappropriate and self-indulgent, but your suffering is not! Who knows what else she has done to them? It should be an open discussion to allow for healing.

It is difficult, but you need to take charge and not sweep things under the carpet, like her parents. They think she can do no wrong. Wow, what a stinky load! You cannot be this passive! It hurts truth and could be your demise! The police won't even go and check on you, because they have not gotten the truth! (also, they may have been paid off!) Help yourself and stop being "their" co-conspirator! You are wasting the beauty you have in you and the love you could share! YOU are MORE WONDERFUL than ANY of them! Your parents MUST be VERY FRUSTRATED in Heaven! They raised an AMAZING son, who hides his light! STOP THAT! Use ANY opportunity to LEAVE! Don't let them MURDER YOU! PLEASE! 

I would die too.

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