Sunday, April 3, 2022


 My email to my son:


Haviva von Martinitz

7:02 PM (3 minutes ago)
to Daniel

Hi Sweetie!
Just spoke with Grandma Audrey and she sounded fabulous! She misses you and would love to see you. I said I would like to hitch a ride with you and come to see her sometime. It would also be sweet, if Rocio could come too. She has always been so nice to speak with; I enjoy her company. So Grandma would enjoy a visit. She said she was going on a cruise alone next time; guess the guy she went with before was cramping her "style!" I did not mention him and neither did she. I told her she needs to flash her Countess around on her cruise! Her grandfather was a count (as well as a doctor/surgeon), so she is a countess!  She should be elegant and enjoy the fun!

Anyway, she just sounded happy and nice, even though I interrupted her dinner. I hope she has a nice evening! 

You know how much she adores you and wants to be in contact. 
Big hugs to you and to Rocio!
My love to you both!
Love, Mom xxoo!

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