Wednesday, January 5, 2022


 Please, no matter what, let's don't lose each other, (if that hasn't already happened) because you should know I will always do whatever possible and something can always work. I never expected to be anyone to you; it was my dream, but not an expectation. I just never knew anyone I enjoyed being around so much. I have know many people, especially when I was on the board of a tech company start-up and no one ever resonated with me like you. I never defined what wanting to know someone meant; it just meant I lit up inside if they were near and that I just wanted to make their lives happy. That only happened with you. That is all. Take it, or leave it. I would happily be a sacrifice for you, but I do not think that is the issue here. I think EVERYONE is going to be hurt; even the person who is a part of it. I think she will go and you may be blamed and he will end up with all the marbles. You need to get away.

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