Monday, January 3, 2022


 You know, I can understand how someone would not want to lose you, if that were the issue, but I do not think it is for a loving reason. I mean, one also needs to consider how the other person feels. That is the part of being a grown up. I kind of think she has been catered to for so long, no one else matters much. Maybe you should consider a therapist.....? She may look at it as a positive sign, but I am hoping she will get positive input from it; like that she has to grow up. Maybe she will feel too much truth will be told. But, if you bring it up as a relationship tool, at least perhaps she will feel more friendly toward you. I swear, I cannot imagine anyone knowing you and being unkind. I think he is a bad influence on her. (The Predator.)

 I just cannot help but smile when I look at your picture. But then, I just adore you. 

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