Friday, January 7, 2022


 I feel so lonely for you. I know things go on and cause issues, but not everyone gets over a person like they get over losing a scarf, etc. I do not have my heart committed to a person and lose them like it does not feel as if parts of me are not brutally ripped out over and over again with bouts of tears suddenly attacking with little warning. 

I feel like I was treated so badly for no real reason just for cruelty sake. I hate to think that you have had to deal with this for a very long time. I cannot imagine anyone gets used to it. People, or animals should not live with it. It would be like a living death. Is that what they want?

I would either love a person and treat them well, or let them go to find happiness. Even cruel people must want happiness at some point!

I miss your beauty and kindness. I have so much love to give.

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