Friday, September 3, 2021


 Hi cutie! I hope you are doing well. Thinking about you and wishing I could see you. Please be very safe. I keep reading more and more stories about people who are fully vaccinated getting bad cases of Covid. I stay home always, but my renter goes out and is starting to work more. He always wears a mask, or two. I bought K95s for him to wear, plus he goes mad with spraying rubbing alcohol. There were people out campaigning for NO on the recall! I am VERY GLAD! VOTE! I hope you did, or can. I will post something back on later.

I hope things improve soon. All I truly care about is your safety and freedom. Wonder if anyone says anything, or calls? I was suppose to hear from another place today, but didn't. I got papers for something I may be able to sell and may get something else, but also hoping to work something else too. Keep a good thought. I try and keep the bills low. This time my water bill was only $64 and propane was only $34. I get cold and put on layers.

Going to go feed the doggie and see if the vacuum will come back on again.

Sending my love to you; as always.

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