Sunday, March 1, 2020

Prior to the biopsy, Dr. Z absolutely reamed me out on  the phone saying cancer was not painful, so when the pain went away, I decided I did not need the biopsy. (Besides the fact that the surgeon was so unprofessional behaving, playing with his long hair while talking to me). So that was Nov, then recently
 I got a call saying my mammogram, ultrasound were so awful that she would be extremely worried if I were her mother, or daughter. Dr. Moon was so rude, which was a surprise, since she was nice prior, but made it sound like I was cold emotionally, but when I cried, because I was feeling afraid and wished you were there, she told me that she was glad I cried, otherwise she would have thought Something was wrong with me emotionally. What kind of thing is that to say to someone? I was so freaked out, I was stunned, but missing you made me cry.  Why do people think it is always open season on attacking me? I don't think I can ever get fair treatment in that system. I was so dizzy too, I felt I was going to throw up. They are pissed at me, because they think I am some femme fatale and are standing up for someone who was wronged. Whatever. That place is like high school with better torture instruments. Like an MRI for 2.5 hours, where all kinds of very uncomfortable "mistakes" were made and a nurse jammed needles in both my arms so hard, they felt like electrical shocks and felt numb. I have been screamed at by doctors, or ignored by them. The whisper campaign was also "fun". Being screamed at by that Mr. Ed, who followed me around K and would not let me sit and rest, even after surgery. He always made me feel like I was a piece of crap. Then he made up contempt charges that got me jail time and he got a permanent job for his abuse of me. Now, he can roam around, keeping an eye on you as head janitor. The other security guard also got a permanent job in Communications, so he could set up phone traps....that place is absurd. Anyone can end up as a target. It is insane.
It is no place for a quality person to work.

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