Saturday, March 28, 2020

The weird thing is that my breast never hurt in this same fashion, until the biopsies. The oncologist wants to sweep any bad that happened to me during this incident, under the rug. She says basically, "the past doesn't help what is going on now." Well, in some respects that is true, but if that were always the case, it would be ground hog's day each day and all transgressions would be wiped away. We DO have the ability to start fresh each day, but that is because we learn from past "mistakes" or purposely done cruel acts. The problem is people need to change, otherwise, the "mistakes" will continue and possibly escalates.

I have no idea how someone would possibly think they have the right to force someone to be attached to them, or if they are cruel, expect it. It is a complete lack of empathy. How I was treated was like I had no right to think I should have human feelings and that I did not deserve to be treated as such.  I was beneath them and their "desires." Some people are a bit full of themselves. Well, that person works in a place that will not allow them to fail. The wagons are circled and the one who is in error, never has to face what they did. But, on the other hand, if one seems to be straying from the status quo and the prima donna is miffed, then look out! The punishment will attack with full force, mafia style, where they must watch the innocent party suffer. A sensitive person could not handle it, but if they understand each other, it can work out okay. But, where money is concerned, it makes some people desperate. It feels nice not to be like that. If they truly loved, they would not put a supposed loved one through that. It shows their priorities. Climbing the social ladder and feeling superior to others is key for an insecure person. I think they feel that w/o the money, or someone else with them to make them look loved, they have failed. How things look is tantamount to being a success, in their minds. Someone disrupting their fairy tale picture is not acceptable to them. But the other person needs freedom, if they want and to get it, might bite off their own foot to achieve it.
Money really cannot buy love, not real love. Real love is wanting the other person's happiness and safety and wanting to be near them without any other enticements.  Worrying about them is painful, but there is nothing that can change that. Not being able to speak with someone you love and not knowing if they are well, is worse than being hurt yourself. I would prefer it, actually.  The torment of the mind invades every walking and almost every sleeping moment. Sometimes you wish you had no loved ones, but the feeling of love surpasses any other.
The effects of the worry was manifested in cancer (?) but even that is not as upsetting, or painful as missing the one you love. It was what made life worth living anyway. Without it, there is never Oz, just bland Kansas.

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