Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Leave abuse behind....

Are you able to leave an abusive place? It doesn't seem healthy to stay. The abuse can manifest in ill health. You don't deserve that. You deserve the best, because you are the best. They have abused you terribly. You deserve peace and happiness. They have treated you like a caged animal they can push around. No place, no person has the right to disrespect you and from I have seen, it has been severe. They have no right to treat your beauty, dignity and intelligence without the respect they all so rightly deserve in the wonderful form of you.

 Those who have abused you are criminals. Criminals have no right to make rules for anyone. They belong in jail. They need to understand that they are beneath you. You should call your own shots, not done by people who have no right to do so. Command the respect you naturally and worked hard to deserve. People who don't see it or want to show respect, should be dropped. Those people know how great you are, they just take advantage of your kindness. Only bad people do that. Your kindness is special and should be revered, not used for other's benefit, like a beast of burden. Live for yourself for once.

You automatically take care of your responsibilities, because it is who you are already. You must be compassionate to yourself too. I think you have neglected being compassionate to yourself, and those who want to keep you as subservient for their own purposes are happy about it. They don't care about you and your true happiness. You will harm your health. I allowed it to happen to myself. It did hurt me. I cannot let it keep going on with you; I could not call myself a friend if I did and I most certainly could not claim to love you if I saw you were in peril and allowed it to continue.

I love you, admire you and respect you. You are in peril. Time to make that peril stop!

When you smiled at me, my heart went out to you and I wanted to do anything to care for you, or give you anything just to see you happy. It became automatic, like it was a part of me and it actually was, because it has been so tough to miss you. An important part of me has been missing.

I so very look forward to seeing you again.

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