Sunday, March 29, 2020

I am taking a lot of ALA, vit C, turmeric and am taking multi-aminos, some baking soda (my great-grandfather found success using baking soda as one of the ingredients in his cancer treatments for his patients) and ordering magnesium, zinc, vit D3 from Amazon.  I am drinking organic veggie juice, and some fruit juices. I am staying mostly away from sugar (I know fruit juice is natural sugar) and I put some banana on a pancake I made from scratch (no sugar) and it was actually nice tasting with some Stevia on top, so it was a treat. I am trying to get more sleep and also listening to music and trying to limit stressful news. (Yeah, well....!) My idea of using the enema route for meds has been not as successful, since it tends to run back out, so it is why I want to try IV. It cost $299 per session at some places I have seen, so I want to do it myself, once I get the supplies, or do it by injection. I put many of the supps under my tongue and swallow what is left behind after awhile. (Closer to the blood stream...who am I telling :-) )

I will never believe that the K people who started the attack against me weren't trying to make my life so stressful that I would have my own health work against me. After five years of their constant torment of me worked out well for them, it seems. That is absolutely diabolical. It is so beyond the pale. It is such cruelty and terrible treatment that made me fear for my friend. I never got the idea that this entire plan was for love for him....I mean, do they even know love?, it was for the love of $$$.  Never any idea of talking, to work whatever they thought was a problem, no, it was a plan of only attack, attack, attack, until I either killed myself, or my health would do it for me. It was terrible.  I swear, there was nearly no portion of my life that they didn't invade. There was always some panic situation that arose. I handled it, but after a lot of panic. They attacked where it could have been easily solved with money, but I either had to give in and suck it up, or use my own creative processes to resolve it. My friend, from our mutual friend of the family, looked at my online court docs, but instead of only going to the Civil division, she looked at the Criminal too. There she found the warrant for my arrest, which put me into action. That started the ball rolling. "Somehow" the notice had gone to my old address, so I missed seeing it for many months. I am sure that the K attorney was getting his jollies thinking about me getting pulled over and being taken to jail and my car impounded. He knows I am limited financially, so everything in his plan seemed to all have a monetary catch to it, as I previously mentioned. Even the HOA here go involved and decided that my two older cars had to be towed away, even though I had moved them to the street, because they wanted them out of the parking area by my house. This place is a fairly isolated area and the authorities told me that they would have never towed my cars, unless someone had complained about them. I know who it was. They knew it was too expensive for me to get them out, so now I have had to just wipe them from my mind, but not the crappy thing they did. They also picked on me for even the tiniest things, just to make life a touch more nasty.  I also found out rules they tried to enforce that the State of California specifically said were against the law, so I was able to save myself that way a few times. I am sure they were paid off by the attorney out of the deep pockets of K, they did not admit, or deny they were working at the behest of the attorney, of MP. In law, it is generally accepted that no answer is an answer in the affirmative.

How could I not worry for my friend with people like that as his keepers? That attorney would scream 2 inches from my face that my friend hated me and didn't want anything to do with me. The attorney he foisted off on me, did the very same thing. The attorney obviously paid off the judges. It bothered me that they tried so desperately to have me believe it, which to me, meant it was a lie, but I was too lacking in self-assurance to say I thought they were wrong. It is weird that they brought out militia tactics for such a small matter.  It has been weird. All that they could have done was to have a meeting with me, etc and my friend say, "I hate you...." and that would have been it. It seemed like too much disconnect. Besides, it did not ring true for the person I knew my friend to be. He is honorable and people are important to him and he is kind. He would not have me beaten up because I gave him a few gifts of thanks. That is a twisted notion, but it would make sense to that twisted group. What insanely horrible people! How can they live with themselves!

They may have been handed a gift with the breast cancer issue and seized the opportunity to make it work in their favor somehow, or it is all a lie. The weird way Dr. Moon screamed at me and said cruel things to me while punching holes in my breast and armpit was bizarre and then shoved the tissue viles in my face to prove that she had actually removed pieces of my breast and armpit, seemed a bit of overkill. It all sounds like the mental manipulation services of MP, but I will go along with it a degree. To think that people who work in jobs that are traditionally for the betterment of people; it is hard to wrap one's mind around the opposite being true.  I am supposed to take some supposed hormone blocking pill against the cancer. My skeptical mind thinks that it is supposed to dry me into a more unattractive prune, or worse. I may have a plan of my own......

There is absolutely NO HISTORY of breast cancer in my family. I had cancer, I believe, because I worked in a nuclear pharmacy that was as hot as Hell with radiation exposure to us. I was lucky to have been fired for exposing one of the people who made the medicine for not calibrating it correctly, so a patient would have either not had enough, or something insanely strong. I told the owner of the pharmacy, he watched the man make the medicine, proved me correct and then I was fired supposedly because right after, a snow storm made it rough to get to work on time. I had never been late prior. Lucky me.

It would be nice if my friend could buy his freedom. You know, if they stress him out, it is not good for his health. They would just say it was due to a preexisting condition. I for one would not believe it and would say so. He does not have to be anyone to me, but he needs to get away from those bad people, including at home. That could be the most dangerous.

I am looking into a second opinion. I have found a few possibilities.   


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