Monday, April 1, 2019

When it all started: 2016
I guess I have maybe written enough pretending we were having a nice little back and forth. I just seem silly, I guess. I was just trying to keep up my spirits and vent a little. It has been a difficult time.
People set out to hurt me. They did. They ground me into dust, and left an empty shell. I hope someday they will stop and think before they want to try and harm someone, and not do it. They really can find more fulfillment caring about people than destroying them. We are all just trying to get by in life, and if we can find a bit of happiness along the way; it should be celebrated. We should celebrate the happiness and blessing of everyone, because that will promote peace and harmony.
I loved someone. I did not do anything wrong, nor said, or did anything, but I was severely attacked by people who are not really nice people, and who just love revenge without reason, but I guess it makes them feel better. It is called being a scapegoat. I hope it made them feel better. At least some good came from my pain. I guess; even though it is positive re-enforcement for twisted, and cruel thinking.

They can enjoy their holidays feeling clear and happy knowing they hurt an innocent person, so desperately badly that at times they did not want to live; while the victim sits at home alone, and makes do. It should keep them happy for awhile, until their self-esteem wanes again, and they need to find another scapegoat to make them feel in control, and happy. As long as they are happy, is all that matters to them.

Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas. Glad I could be of service.

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