Sunday, April 28, 2019

I hate the idea that I will miss your birthday, yet again.
I just love giving you things that make you smile.


  1. I just want to make you feel nice again. It is all that matters to me.

  2. Will you tell me if you think you are never going to leave; could you find a way to tell me? I actually don't want to know, but I guess I need to, because I am so worried about you the stress is going to kill me. If they kill you I will die anyway. I pray you will not risk it much longer. Your children do not deserve to be left with only her. They deserve to be encouraged by someone who understands love, not perpetual hate and revenge. When they have your grandchildren, those sweet ones need to know your beauty and all the wonderful things that make you, you!. I never really had a grandfather when growing up; I met him once and he was awful, so I guess I was lucky, but you are sweet and amazing; stay safe, so your beautiful grandchildren can know you and be fulfilled and blessed!
    No you around, would leave a huge hole in their lives!

    You are the most lovely person I have known; my heart just beats like crazy, practically out of by body.

    I never want to know I won't see you again. I just can't; unbearable pain.

  3. I love you and I need to say it, but I am a reserved person and won't show my feelings inappropriately. "Poker face!"

  4. You are the most noble person I have ever met outside of those claiming to be noble. You are naturally noble.

  5. MP suggested that you had mental illness; is that what K and M are saying to keep you from freedom?

  6. I figured that might be it after she made an absurd comment that people who like Beat poetry are mentally ill. I figured that she was least likely to be a real psy. I even asked that in a complaint I wrote about her! She once told me to leave you two alone. Ugh!

  7. She was about as skanky and greasy as they come! Really gross!

  8. I kind of figured from the bit of checking on her, that she knew you both from before. For one, she acted familiar with you in a personal way and she and her brother were in the same medical umbrella of neurology and he would not return my calls. They seemed to follow you all around with work. I kind of thought she had a role in your lives; I just did not know what, but I suspected.....

  9. I kind of thought that "she" wanted to make certain you could never have any children w/anyone else......then her sister has a fertility clinic.....

  10. I had a lot of time to check things out, but never actually knew.....

  11. What I did know was that she wanted me dead. She is a loyal friend to her, I guess. You saved my life.

  12. They are really bad people, but your acceptance makes them feel good about being that way. At lest MP is in FLA reinventing herself to the unsuspecting world.

  13. Kaiser Permanente Appointment Notification

    Kaiser Permanente
    3:33 PM (27 minutes ago)
    to me

    Kaiser Permanente logo
    Due to coronavirus, visitor restrictions are in place at all KP medical facilities. Please review our visitor policy to see if an essential caregiver or visitor can join the appointment:

    Appointment Reminder for Cheryl

    In-person visit
    03:30 PM

    Provider photo


    395 Hickey Blvd DALY CITY CA 94015-2770
    5th Floor
    Get directions

  14. I guess I need to go? Could you be there?

  15. I guess I need to go? Could you be there?

  16. maybe next time you could be there? I'd rather be in a room alone with you.....

  17. Just put up, if you will, with my passion for you, it is harmless, if it must, but I want to hug the heck out of you and snuggle with you forever....if you want, but it sure feels fun saying it!!!

  18. I wrote something I want to put in your Patch. Tell me if it is okay. I will never be able to help you if I cannot even do this much.

    I have been trying to get the Hillsborough PD to do a welfare check on someone I know is being Labor Trafficked and harmed and falsely imprisoned, but people who have a criminal reason for keeping him falsely imprisoned are talking the PD out of investigating. I saw him and he looks thinner, messy and frantic. It is not me needing help; it is the resident being falsely imprisoned 6'4" with short silver hair and brown eyes @3 Mountain Wood Lane. With the huge property taxes he pays; he deserves Police protection, not people who hide his suffering and do nothing. He needs to be brought alone to headquarters and questioned. He is Gregory Lukaszewicz. I am a citizen who knows of a crime and someone who needs help! The criminals have legally harmed me, so I cannot help him myself. They knew what they were doing to keep him held prisoner w/o question. The police need to investigate! He is labor trafficked, so he is gone at times and back at times! He needs to be free to tell his story without threat of retaliation.
