Thursday, April 25, 2019

I never read that becoming a friend entailed enduring so much covert plotting, making traps, leading to false restraint, including brutality and derision, plus jail time. That might just be a deterrent for some. For me, it just made me worry for you, because they might not curb their cruelty after me, they might just get caught up in the behavior and spread the cruelty to all, meaning you. If it were de rigueur to go through abusive sessions, then at least I would understand and not fight back.

But as it stands, I am tantamount to a blind person who is required to pitch a shutout for the World Series, while being pelted with rocks. I have been at just such a disadvantage and also expected not to say a word of complaint, while being taunted by cruel people....cold blooded cruel people.

Please, again, I beg you, cut me some slack while this is going on. You know my heart, I am trying to only find truth and keep you safe.

I love you and would even give my life for yours.

My belief, trust and my faith are only in you.

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