Wednesday, April 17, 2019

I don't suppose you know how hard this all is for me. It takes everything in me to not feel completely in despair. It really wasn't fair, legal, humane for the people who are trying to fight against me to say or do cruel things. I know everything they have done. That gang is the most corrupt, unethical, cold blooded group that ever raised their destructive heads. I was told they will keep me restricted as long as I seem like I want a relationship. What bizarre people. That kind of taunting makes me worry for you. They act like you are a piece of property, not a human being. Why even reach a level of success, if you are going to be restricted in your freedom? You should be enjoying life without people watching you and keeping you under their thumb. That is how it appears anyway. Just be safe and stay as far from the predators as possible. Don't be afraid to turn them in. Sending love and my caring, protective thoughts.

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