Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Hi! How are you doing? Thinking a lot about you. Feeling sad that I will miss your birthday and then another after that. I am sad that so much time has gone by and then so much more too. Couldn't the time be cut down? Please don't let that hideous man make any longer. I am sure there were reasons, but he likes to make it like he is so in control and powerful...kind of reminds me of Trump. All of that group are cruel and pretty much twisted. They will never go down w/o a fight. I am sure they wish me dead. All I want is to see you and talk to you and be near you. Why should they hate me and be so cruel to me? I guess they don't like that I love you. Love doesn't create hate. I want to know you again and see you smile and take care of you, if you want.

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