Monday, April 29, 2019

My cousin, Art, has been in contact with a Czech genealogist/historian, so he is sending a few things at a time. We are pooling our resources and getting bits and pieces at a time. Too bad it couldn't be like the PBS show all there in one glorious display, but I am glad for what we are able to get at all. How nice that my Great Grandfather could spend months in Europe and do some studying there.
I am supposing that eclectic, in medicine means integrative? That would certainly resonate with my thinking. He really championed eating correctly. May have been why my great aunt lived to 100. (She would have lived longer, but her parachute failed to open.......   :-)
No, but she was active at all times, plus she liked to climb trees and do her own pruning, like me. Of course, I had a favorite tree I sat in as a child to read my Nancy Drew books. In Sunnyvale, I liked to sit in my orange tree, just to be in nature. (It produced the biggest, sweetest oranges I have EVER had! I watered it a lot and fed it, plus loved it.
Isn't that what everyone needs?


  1. I need love; I am so alone. I miss someone I love so much! His birthday is soon and I cannot see him! I wish I could give him everything!

  2. I need love; I am so alone. I miss someone I love so much! His birthday is soon and I cannot see him! I wish I could give him everything!

  3. The one I love is so lovely, handsome, smart and sweet. Will I ever see him again? He was everything to me. I would rescue him in a moment. I never knew I could hurt so much over missing anyone.
