Wednesday, April 24, 2019

If I have made you hate me because of the only way I knew of to protect you, then I am sorry. I have been kept in the dark, but I knew that their forging your signature was wrong and identity theft and the cruel way I was treated made me figure you might be treated badly too. I was so frightened. I thought the only way to keep you safe was to keep what they were doing to you/me out in the open. I have had no life but this for over 3 years. I go nowhere, I do nothing. I have cruel things said to me to make me worry. They act like thugs and spies.

I had no other way to protect you. Believe me when I say I would give my life to save yours, but if you have grown to dislike me because of my efforts to keep you safe, then I guess I have to live with it. No one has ever impacted my life so much before you.  My efforts to help you stay alive were honest and out of love. I have been confused and taunted. They behave in such weird, covert ways, how could I be wrong to fight back to help you? I have been the target of derision and abuse because of my efforts, but I forced them to take a look at what has gone on.

I could not figure out why they would go after me, since I am no one. I figured it was a distraction to go after the real target: you. That wall around your office against someone who gives gifts? How absurd. I think it was merely to make you feel as if you were in danger...from me. My life for over four has been worrying about you. If it made you dislike me, then I cannot do anything about it, but to wish you well. I have been confused and my heart was broken. I only cared about you and your safety. The people surrounding you are vicious and only think of themselves. Their cruelty makes me understand that they are cold blooded and could take a life with no remorse. I only did my best in an extremely bad situation. I have been looked at as a criminal and some stalker. You know those things are not true. They were punishing you, not me, but I got all the pain, in your place, I guess, I hope. But it scared me to see and hear you seem frightened. I pray each day for help and guidance. My life is frozen. Their lies and forgeries and cruel behavior could not be ignored. Transparency, spreading the story, is the only thing I know to do to not have you robbed and disappear.
It is love and it is protective when danger seems obvious. Too many unanswered questions for me to feel comfortable and not worry about you. I am sorry if it gives you unwanted attention, but it is better than you disappearing. You may like your home, but I think it will always make you a target for criminals. It is too opulent, in an opulent area. You always need to be very careful.
All I want is to know you are safe. These people who are doing this will never make me feel that you are safe. They keep me away to stop from me from protecting you. They saw my papers to you, they saw my lie detection report. They know I would risk my life for you, so they had to keep me restrained.

I will always be there for you, so know I will be your haven, should you desire. 

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