Wednesday, December 21, 2022


 I never thought I would have to ask, but are you trustworthy? I never thought I would doubt you, but you have all bad people who keep you under their thumbs. Don't you get tired of being trafficked?  Do strangers have sex with you? I am getting tired of life. I am getting tired of dealing with criminals. If you won't try and get away, does that mean you like being a slave? I think there is a way for  you to leave. Call me to help you. I love you so much, but I just want to love you sweetly, without the rest of it; unless you want anything else. You are my heart's desire. I love being around you so much.  Give your children your stuff,but make sure the bad people cannot get it.  I have never expected anything from you what-so-ever. I hoped you might develop some love, or affection, but I wanted you to know I would be your best friend.

You have been mine.

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