Wednesday, December 28, 2022


 Good night, lovely one! The one of my dreams....... looking forward to thinking about you all day long!


Maybe I sound like someone very romantic, but it is better than dull daily boring stuff.  I think a bit of fantasy is fun. In fact; an ambulance is roaring, have a pretty deserve one!!


  1. I adore you and will never dismiss you from my life. I will be there when no one else will for some reason I would never be able to understand; you are so special and beloved.

  2. I admire your multi-faceted beauty.

  3. When that protector comes to see you; he will ask for you and will see only you. He will not listen to anyone but you. That is what I will say anyway. He is yours alone. You should have him protect you the rest of the day and beyond. Have him take you to the PD and file a report. (The Sheriff may be better?)

  4. I will see if he is a current officer, or what, but hopefully armed.

  5. I will ask about hiring asap. You call me if you are in trouble (or the PD of course, if you can)

  6. I fell asleep and woke up crying. I am surprised it doesn't happen all of the time. I hurt so much all of the time.

  7. I fell asleep and woke up crying. I am surprised it doesn't happen all of the time. I hurt so much all of the time.

  8. No more flashing at least. I would die if I could no longer see your marvelous face........I envy those who can see you.

  9. Life has beauty! It is called your heart and its kindness!
