Sunday, December 25, 2022


I have nothing going on today. I woke up to an obnoxious alarm that blasted off from some unknown origin. I was terrified and froze. It finally went silent. It left me feeling shaken for a very long time.

It always comes down to thinking about you and wondering if you are okay.

I love you.

Merry Christmas! 🎄🤟


  1. I wrote to the court and am sending a new PD report I wrote,/sent I just couldn't get the P.O. mail feature I have through a paid website I have to work. I added a new charge card so that may have been the problem. I will find out later today..

  2. I watched a movie called, "My Year of J.D. Salinger". I liked it when the character mentioned Franny's letter. Made me think of you actually. Someone talked about getting their mother's name tattooed on their arm. I am not sure about that, but maybe I should. I don't want her to think it is because I think she is ready to die. I have mixed feelings. We don't get along, but I would hate to have her gone. I do love her.

  3. I have to get my house ready for another loan to cover the one I got to pay the attorney who appears to be doing nothing for me.......what else is new?

  4. I wish I had you to deal with only; I mean, not deal, but to enjoy. I could only enjoy you. Have me come get you; I will fight tooth and nail for you. I am thinking the process server may help. He is a pretty much tough Italian man from the 50's and 60's, like the ones carrying the baseball bats , but with hearts of gold. He will be there soon.

  5. My printer wasn't working and he needed me to print up the papers, then I tried to get the new printer working , but the HP company wasn't available and they turn on the printer remotely. It is one reason I don't like holidays.

  6. I want to know you forever and be with with you. No one else. Ask me to do what you want and I will. Don't be mad at me.
