Saturday, December 17, 2022


Dear John,

I want you to know that it has been a very long time of torment for me and also for Dr. Lukaszewicz; especially for Dr. Lukaszewicz. I knew he was sad and even terrified, but until I began being attacked, did I know to what extent I was hated. It was diabolical. No matter how much our friendship was purely innocent; I was feeling attacked from several fronts. It was not my imagination. Dr. Lukaszewicz will be able to tell you. The officer from the Hillsborough PD would be able to say it too; he told me she was Dr. Lukaszewicz's abuser. He was truly wanting me to ask him to do a welfare check on Dr. Lukaszewicz, so I did.  That was what led up to Mr. Guasco giving a false restraining order to help out Dr. Moayeri keep her lies a secret. It is why the court papers were forged; it is why no one will help Dr. Lukaszewicz upon my request. The sad thing is no one should ignore his necessity for help; he truly needs it. Dr. Moayeri and Mike Guasco are vicious people who, I believe, have the capability to fatally harm. He needs an opportunity to tell his side of things, because he already has been harmed to a degree no man would ever want to be harmed. Dr. Lukaszewicz is the ONLY one who can
give a restraining order; no one else! HE NEVER WANTED IT!

Please, this has become serious; I need you to go on the offensive for me! Mike Guasco has escalated this to the point of my nearly going to jail. Please, Mr. Guasco destroys every defense I have had and gotten rid of every attorney I have tried to have help me. Please do not allow him  to destroy this attempt; you are too good for that, but it is beginning to feel that way.  I put my house in terrible danger getting the loan; I risked it because I cannot allow Dr. Lukaszewicz to suffer and risk being fatally harmed.  This is like Mafia terrible, but I believe in you. Please help me. You are not one to be intimidated.

I love Dr. Lukaszewicz; I would die for him. 

Take care!

Cheryl Petrovich

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