Monday, March 2, 2020

Maybe I should have left K awhile ago. I will never find someone to help me there. The person who wanted this suffering is very intense about it, obviously. But she is only interested in bucks, right? Well, I only want to know you, not what you have, so maybe she could stop this insanity and let everyone live happily whatever way they want. She obviously has no concern for human life, except her own, so..... just stop being a punching bag. You are so lovely, I cannot stand the thought that you could be suffering. 
I want to hug you forever. Why does life have to be so unnecessarily damn difficult? YOU deserve to have a nice life with those who adore you and NOT a job that interferes with your personal life! I am worried that they may harm you. Please stay safe. I don't think life would be worth anything without you in it.  Pray to the angel and ask her to help you and I will too. I think there comes a time when you say, "screw this!" and do what you need for yourself. I am behind whatever you decide.
Love, Me. 

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