Monday, April 15, 2019

I don't like the ugliness of what is being done by the terrible people, but I can't help but think it is all being done as a distraction from the real motive, which is to steal your identity and harm you. If your friend would just call off the R.O. then it could be discussed like adults, not have other people be involved, but who knows who all is involved? What bothers me is all the corruption. People don't go to these lengths unless they feel they could have something to gain, or something to lose. Mr. G is not acting impartial. I feel I cannot rest until you are safe and people stop yanking at you.

But the bad people need to be exposed because they will just continue their evil ways against others. Telling me that I can be restrained forever, not even caring about your wishes is scary, because he has taken over your everything, not caring at all what you want. No one should run another person's life. That bothered me when that little weasel security guard was so upset about the birthday card I sent to you that had the quote, "Live, Travel, Adventure, Bless and Don't be sorry". He acted like I had said some horrible thing instead of my wishing you wonderful times ahead. That gave me the creeps. He acted like he owned you. Mr. G does too. Why?

It is like they all want to feed off of you. Don't let them steal your freedom. Live the way you want. Anyone who truly loves you should feel that way. You owe no one anything. You only owe yourself your freedom and happiness. Please, stay safe. 

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