Wednesday, August 3, 2022


 I love your beauty and all you have that goes with it....your amazing fun and intelligence!

As I said, I am in awe; just don't let anyone intimidate you out of living free and happy!

Please? I will stand by you. Two hearts united, will beat the crap out of mean, bully

 people. Be strong! Let's be there for each other, then figure it out, okay? You owe 

yourself freedom, love and happiness! It takes bravery, but it is the key to a better life; 

the one you were born to have. Don't take crap from anyone! You owe you and those 

who came before, who wanted me to help you to freedom! You did not work so hard to 

become someone else's slave/prisoner! That is my goal too! I made that promise and 

nothing will stop me from helping you! Love, forever!

I knew from the moment I spoke to you, I knew that you would be someone special to me.

You are so amazing; I barely know where to start! We BOTH need to find freedom and have 



  1. What I want to do is get this done correctly. I want to find out if you like the idea of putting a select version on the show and see what happens! The thing is, my case is merely wanting your side of things, so I understand the truth. I cannot decide if anyone was jealous, or not, because who does that to someone they love? I think it is more like, "no one gets affection from him, because I don't; I just don't want him to care about anyone but me" is what she would say, if she were being honest. She doesn't want him, but she doesn't want anyone else to care about him. She thinks of it as a competition. I was thinking that perhaps if she were paid something she would free you and get something to feel like she won, but whatever..... it is all WRONG!

  2. I just want to hold you. My dream.

  3. I think I will get one thing done first and quickly follow it w/another. I will also file a dismissal, but also a I will also put in something about that in something of his. I must prepare for disappointment. and pick up and go on, until something else....but I cannot wait long. I worry that I could be ill, or that you will lose your nerve. Please don't. It could be deadly for you and if I wasn't going to die; that would do it. I just could not live.....I just could not. I love you so much. Be brave and bold.
