Sunday, August 28, 2022

Abuse 2


  1. I will spend Friday going over the papers and make certain they are right for delivery. I am wanting a great outcome for you. If you sue her for her harmful outcome to you, you could be granted millions, but it is your business. I have said that you want to talk to "someone" rather than write it out for public perusal. Just be, "rather not used to that kind of thing" attitude.

  2. I am also saying that you had someone help you a bit, so that if there are any limitations; that it was what happened, but that you were under such scrutiny and freedom restrained, which is a part of the complaint; it was extremely difficult getting it done.

About Abuse

Emotional and Psychologic

al Abuse

September 8, 2021

Is emotional abuse the same as psychological abuse?
What is emotional and psychological abuse?
What are the signs of emotional and psychological abuse?
What are some forms of emotional and psychological abuse?
What are the effects of emotional and psychological abuse?

What can I do if I am a victim of emotional and psychological abuse?

Is emotional abuse the same as psychological abuse?
There is no clear agreement among experts in the field whether there is a meaningful difference between emotional and psychological abuse. There is some research that suggests that there are slight differences between the two. Emotional abuse is believed to be broader and so psychological abuse is often considered to be one form of emotional abuse. Also, psychological abuse involves the use of verbal and social tactics to control someone’s way of thinking, such as “gaslighting,” which is not necessarily the same as other forms of emotional abuse.

However, for the purposes of the following questions, WomensLaw will group the terms together since the behaviors described by both concepts are similar enough that there isn’t a real difference when considering legal remedies for victims of these behaviors.

What is emotional and psychological abuse?
Abuse comes in many different forms. Even when there is no physical violence, abusive language can be very damaging to you and your children. Emotional and psychological abuse are include mostly non-physical behaviors that the abuser uses to control, isolate, or frighten you. Often, the abuser uses it to break down your self-esteem and self-worth in order to create a psychological dependency on him/her. Emotional and psychological abuse are hard forms of abuse to recognize because the abuse is spread throughout your everyday interactions. Unlike physical abuse, there are often no isolated incidents or clear physical evidence to reference.1

1 See The National Domestic Violence Hotline, What is Emotional Abuse page

What are the signs of emotional and psychological abuse?
Emotional and psychological abuse may begin suddenly or it may slowly start to enter into your relationship. Some abusers behave like a good partner in the beginning and start the abuse after the relationship is established. When this shift in behavior occurs, it can leave you feeling shocked, confused, and even embarrassed. However, abuse is never your fault even if the abuser tells you it is or if your family members or friends blame you for “allowing” the abuse. It is often difficult to decide whether or not certain behaviors are emotionally or psychologically abusive, especially if you grew up witnessing abuse. However, as with all other types of domestic violence, the behavior is intended to gain and keep power and control over you. Some signs that a partner is being emotionally and psychologically abusive include:

  • humiliating you in front of others;
  • calling you insulting names, such as “stupid,” “disgusting,” or “worthless”;
  • getting angry in a way that is frightening to
  •  you;

  • threatening to hurt you, people you care 
  • about, or pets;
  • the abuser threatening to harm him/herself when upset with you;
  • saying things like, “If I can’t have you, 
  • then no one can;”
  • deciding things for you that you should 
  • decide, like what you wear or eat;
  • acting jealous, including constantly 
  • accusing you of cheating;
  • continually pretending to not to 
  • understand what you are saying, making
  •  you feel stupid, or refusing to listen to 
  • your thoughts and opinions;
  • questioning your memory of events or 
  • denying that an event happened the way 
  • you said it did, even when the abuser 
  • knows that you are right;
  • changing the subject whenever you try 
  • to start conversations with the abuser and
  •  others and questioning your thoughts in 
  • a way that makes you feel unworthy; and
  • making your needs or feelings seem 
  • unimportant or less important than those 
  • of the abuser.1

See U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, Office on Women’s Health, Emotional and Verbal Abuse page

What are some forms of emotional and psychological abuse?
Emotional and psychological abuse can involve behaviors or acts towards you or towards others. Below, we discuss both.

Acts towards others:
Abuse of pets

Pets are commonly viewed as family members and treasured companions. The abuser may use the emotional and psychological connection you have with your pets to gain power and control over you by harming or threatening to harm your pet in any of the following ways:

  • harming your pet to get back at you for actions that you may have taken that show self-determination or independence;
  • harming your pet as “punishment” for something that you or your children did;
  • threatening or harming your pet in an attempt to force (coerce) you into doing something; or
  • forcing you or your children to harm or kill your pet or to watch the abuser do it.1

Threats to self-harm
When your partner regularly threatens self-harm when you don’t do what the abuser wants you to do or when you decide to leave the relationship, this is a form of emotional and psychological abuse. The abuser is using your love for him/her to manipulate and control you. When your partner makes these threats, steps you can take to protect yourself include:

  • telling your partner you care about him/her, but sticking to your boundaries – in other words, not necessarily doing whatever the abuser tells you is necessary to do to “prevent” self-harm;
  • not taking responsibility for the abuser’s actions if the abuser does decide to self-harm; and
  • remembering that it is not your responsibility to “make” the abuser not self-harm. For example, the abuser may say, “If you really loved me, you’d stop me from killing myself” but this is part of the manipulation that often comes with emotional abuse.2

Acts towards you:

In an emotionally and psychologically abusive

 relationship, the abuser will do many things 

in an attempt to cut all of the emotional ties 

you have with other people so that the only 

one left is the one to the abuser. Some signs 

of this type of isolation include:

  • preventing or discouraging you from 
  • seeing family or friends and making you
  •  feel guilty when you do;
  • wanting to know what you’re doing all the
  •  time and making you be in constant 
  • contact;
  • restricting access to transportation so you
  •  can’t leave the home;
  • acting jealous of time spent with your 
  • family or friends, often to the point where
  •  you will “choose” not to see them 
  • anymore so you don’t have to put up with
  •  the abuser’s jealousy; and
  • wanting you to ask for permission before
  •  doing something or spending time with 
  • other people.3

Gaslighting is a form of emotional and psychological abuse that tends to happen gradually in a relationship. The term “gaslighting” is used to describe a pattern of behavior in which the abuser intentionally denies that acts or events happened in the way that you know that they happened. An abuser will often twist your emotions, words, and experiences and use them against you, which causes you to question your reality, to doubt your own judgment and memory, and to make you feel that you are “going crazy.” Signs that you are experiencing gaslighting include:

  • feeling confused, “crazy,” and constantly second-guessing yourself;
  • constantly questioning if you are being “too sensitive”;
  • having trouble making simple decisions;
  • constantly apologizing to your partner;
  • frequently making excuses for your partner’s behavior;
  • finding yourself withholding information from loved ones;
  • starting to lie to avoid the put-downs or reality twists;
  • feeling as though you can’t do anything right; and
  • wondering if you are a “good enough” partner.4

Ultimately, these behaviors are meant to control, isolate, or frighten you, and while they do not leave physical scars, they can leave long-lasting trauma.5

This information was adapted from Pets and Domestic Violence
2 See The National Domestic Violence Hotline, When Your Partner Threatens Suicide page
3 See The National Domestic Violence Hotline, What is Emotional Abuse page
4 See The National Domestic Violence Hotline, What is Gaslighting page
5 See U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, Office on Women’s Health, Emotional and Verbal Abuse page

What are the effects of emotional and psychological abuse?
Emotional and psychological abuse can have severe short- and long-term effects. This type of abuse can affect both your physical and your mental health. You may experience feelings of confusion, anxiety, shame, guilt, frequent crying, over-compliance, powerlessness, and more. You may stay in the relationship and try to bargain with the abuser or try to change the abuser’s behavior, often placing blame on yourself, even though you are not at fault.

If you’re dealing with severe and ongoing emotional abuse, it’s possible to lose your entire sense of self and begin to doubt your self-worth or your abilities, which may make it even harder to leave the relationship. Long-term emotional abuse can also result in several health problems, including depression, anxiety, substance abuse, chronic pain, and more.1 It’s important to get emotional support to help you deal with the trauma of emotional and psychological abuse – see What can I do if I am a victim of emotional and psychological abuse? for more information.

1 This information was adapted from U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, Office on Women’s Health, Emotional and Verbal Abuse page and Effects of Violence Against Women page.

What can I do if I am a victim of emotional and psychological abuse?
If you are the victim of emotional and psychological abuse, you may be hesitant to seek help or tell your friends and family because you fear they will not believe you or take you seriously. You may feel shame or confusion as to what is happening. However, seeking help and support is essential to ending an emotionally or psychologically abusive relationship. The effects of these types of abuse are serious and it is common for emotional and psychological abuse to escalate to physical violence. You can go to our National Organizations - Emotional Abuse section for national resources or talk to an advocate or counselor at your local domestic violence organization, listed on our Advocates and Shelters page. Local domestic violence programs often offer free counseling, support groups, and the advocates in these organizations could point you to other local help and support options.

In addition, depending on how domestic violence is defined in your state, the abuser’s behavior can fall under certain crimes or you may qualify for a restraining order. A few states specifically allow someone to get a restraining order based on “coercive control,” which is a form of emotional and psychological abuse. Even in states where emotional abuse is not considered as a reason for a restraining order, it’s possible that certain emotionally abusive acts may, in fact, qualify you for an order. For example, if an abuser threatens you or continually texts or calls you repeatedly without reason to do so, this could be considered enough to grant an order. In our Restraining Orders page, you can chose your state from the drop-down menu and look for the question where we include the legal definition of domestic violence for the purposes of getting a restraining order. Some states also recognize emotionally abusive acts as crimes, such as threats or public disturbances, for example. You can go to our Crimes page to read through the list of common crimes committed by abusers to see if any match up with the abuser’s actions.


  1. I lost what I wrote here, so I need to get it back somehow.

  2. I could not copy & paste my papers, but they should send a copy to your home. Will/do you get your mail at home, or is it better to use work address, but they confiscate there, right?..... any other mail address you trust?

  3. Hopefully Friday is my day to serve.

  4. I will mention here, if for some reason things change and a further date is necessary. I am trying to decide in what order things should go to make it all flow. I think the dismissal for me should be a part.

    I always need to consider all the factors; the most important being you.

  5. Everything to me, centers around you. I want to know you forever.

  6. I suppose you have survived a lot of the abuse in this article. I will pick some from the article and post them and you can tell if you survived it. Okay?
    I cannot stand the thought that anyone hurt you.

  7. I love you! Stay strong, sweet one, you will be free soon! xxo!

  8. So, you are emotionally abused, threatened, harmed with surgical equipment, (kept isolated, with help? Who helps her, the attorney?Hired guard?)

  9. I need to understand how you are being held captive. Is there a guard? Please help me understand. Threats, gun? What?

  10. Please don't deny anything people did, they are only trying to help out of love.

  11. I am taking ALA and low dose Naltrexone. Please keep me in you heart and thoughts. Bless you, sweet one! Thank you!

  12. Now, it feels like I am being jerked around. This isn't you, but am I wrong? The lying person in the trial was you?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I want to love you in all ways, but a crazy woman will keep trying to kill me. Unless you just escape, then I will never get to do that. This is an absurd way to try and stay in touch. You want me to stay in despair? Please be the fair and loving person I (thought) I knew and set me free. Give me a 20, new, this afternoon; if you will try and escape. I will help you. You must want to be free, don't you? You cannot want to be under the thumb of cruel liars forever, do you?

  15. Please let me file for you, then in court, the truth can be told. Please give me a one next to the world file. I cannot stand knowing you are being abused. Please help me to help you! I love you so much, I am sick from the worry.

  16. If I have you as a witness, will you tell the facts....the TRUTH? You know, that awful man does more to evade the truth! Please use your integrity and free me!

  17. You are being abused too long for your mental health; you will end up as their Stockholm syndrome victim

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. If you give me a chance, I would free you and get us both help. Don't let criminals run your life.

  20. I keep 2 81/2 x 11 pictures of you in front of me at most times, so I always have you to look at and smile at and tell you goodnight. I do anything to try and my ache for you less painful. Please let me file the papers for you, so your life will be better for you. Please give me a 1 (one) for yes, and I will remove the post asap and then file them. It is for my own knowledge and love to make sure you are safe.

  21. Tell me what is going on. Any action required today?

  22. I miss you, cuteness! What's on for the weekend?.......escape?

  23. So, I am going to get things done next week, especially due to the holiday. Call me anytime in an emergency......night, or day. Run out, we take off..Right? Right! Otherwise, I order you a car and you zip! Put your essentials in a hidden bag, grab it and go! If you need me to call the PD, I will, but otherwise, ZIP!

  24. I think the idiot who only knows about R.O.s reads my blog and takes it as being for him; from me; that is because he is as dumb as a stump. I know that whatever you do is from you! You do whatever you do and have her help, because she has freedom and transportation and wants to help you! Just go along with your own freedom trail! It's like the underground railroad, but more secretive, but all yours! Thank you forever to your helper; she is trying to keep you alive! She is doing her own thing, not with me.

  25. I think the idiot who only knows about R.O.s reads my blog and takes it as being for him; from me; that is because he is as dumb as a stump. I know that whatever you do is from you! You do whatever you do and have her help, because she has freedom and transportation and wants to help you! Just go along with your own freedom trail! It's like the underground railroad, but more secretive, but all yours! Thank you forever to your helper; she is trying to keep you alive! She is doing her own thing, not with me.

  26. Since I have someone helping me; I cannot do certain things, but I will certainly speak up and have my say, very loudly and very persuasively.
